« on: August 12, 2015, 01:45:34 pm »
I'm far from the 'cRPG' community (From Native), but from browsing through this thread and forums, I can tell that you've all been brainwashed and you're manipulating each other. You're giving derogatory comments on something that's happened in the past. This is cRPG, If I go DDos a server on Napoleonic Wars, does that mean that I can't play cRPG?. Sure, Arni has been a complete pain in the ass, that's true, made life hard for admins but that's ALL in the past and that's ALL on native. Insulting him (Shemaforash) is far from necessary, and Arni, stop retaliating and insulting!!!!!. I know you're angry at what he's done, but honestly, giving comments like that is just stupid. Arni has been trying hard to actually get back into the community, and with all these hateful comments, you're going to keep him the same, making him more and more angry. Just give him the 'benefit of the doubt'. You're all just being absolute children bringing all the crap from Native to here. I'm suprised that Arni HAS been taking it well, considering he's not English and doesn't really understand how to insult people. Just cut all this fucking shit, get on and play cRPG, give his account back pronto, he's not DDosed any server, you're just taking unnecessary precautions. #This is the fucking internet, deal with it. You're bombarding all this hate and he's even proved against it and you're all just laughing, you know what he's done was on Native. This hate war is not needed and just extremely CHILDISH!. I'm also not taking sides, as I love most of the Native community, I'm going by gut. #Brainwashed #Savethechildren