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Messages - Manabalu

Pages: [1] 2 3
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Heavy armored thrower hybrid
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:37:16 pm »
Thank you guys. I will try to go with 110

Beginner's Help and Guides / Heavy armored thrower hybrid
« on: August 23, 2012, 12:32:59 am »
Hello everyone,
i want to try a new heavy armored build with throwing as support.

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 18
    Agility: 18
    Hit points: 70

    Skills to attributes: 2

    Ironflesh: 5
    Power Strike: 6
    Shield: 2
    Athletics: 6
    Riding: 0
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 0
    Power Throw: 4
    Weapon Master: 6

- Varangopoulos Armor (Weigth: 22.9)
- Fluted Varangian Helmet (Weight: 2.2)
- Hourglass Gauntlets (Weight: 1.2)
- Shynbaulds (Weight: 3.2)

- Plain Round Shield
- Great Long Axe
- Heavy Throwing Axe

My question is: How much WPF in throwing i need exactly, to not get the red "not enough wpf points" message in the game? Is there a calculator anywhere?

Total War Series / Re: Rome II announced!
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:37:14 pm »
I hope it will be heavy modifiable like M2TW. Best games are always the ones with user content (TES, M2TW, Warband->CRPG  :mrgreen:)

General Discussion / Re: Did they nerf xbow ?
« on: June 26, 2012, 04:20:28 pm »
Xbows are fine. Loomed ones are a bit OP like all range weapons.

It is a bad essay, he should write some words why flaming or trolling is bad and not what is worse (in some cases) or about his views about admin behaviour. At least he _tried_ to understand "The importance of respect in online communities". 2/5

Archery is definitely weak at the moment.

Crossbow feels a little bit too good, I still think it would go well with a WPF restriction (1 for hunting xbow, 60 for light xbow, 90 for normal xbow, 120 for heavy xbow, 150 for arba). This way it wouldn't break hybrids or dedicated xbowmen, but it would hurt shotgun/sidearm xbowers.

Throwing is throwing, not much to say on that.

Power foot skill would be awesome if it also defined how much damage a kick deals :)

Using a heavy or arbalest without 150 WPF is a waste anyway. Heavy/Arbalest + bolts are 3 slots, nice sidearm you have there. ;)
Imo all maxed ranged are too powerful, reduce all range damage by 1/3 or make heavy armor useful.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: cRPGLauncher.exe trouble? post here!
« on: December 01, 2011, 06:15:49 pm »
The launcher is giving me a popup that says:

Code: [Select]
Failed to create remote load library thread.

Windows API error
Code: 8
Message: Not enough storage is available to process this command.

The game does launch but then I get an absurd number of errors that say: "To play cRPG you must be running Warband Script Extender (WSE)"

Of course, I'm not allowed to connect to the servers because apparently the launcher is failing to run WSE. I've tried manually running WSE, but I get the same problem.

My cRPG installation is on a mostly empty hard drive and I have 12 GB RAM. There is definitely not a storage issue. Possible that this is a 64-bit Windows 7 problem?

Same problem. I also have 12 gig ram and 64-bit Windows 7

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Strategus / Selling strategus gold 1:5
« on: August 08, 2011, 07:35:50 pm »
At the moment I have 44470 gold.
I will sell 1 strategus gold for 5 crpg gold.
I am in the vicinity of Jelkala.
I will not travel to you.
PM me or write in this board.

General Discussion / Re: C-RPG Comics.
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:29:00 pm »
You guys just throw your weapons wrong.
Thats the way it should look like:
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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:08:09 pm »
Archery should be better than xbows take a look at a few different builds for both classes, xbow builds are FAR more versatile at EVERYTHING.

Did you ever played a crossbowman? Create a Skip for fun char and do it. You will see that they have some disadvantages. At the moment xbows are maybe a bit better than bows, especially at low level, but they have their weaknesses. Skirmishing for example is way more effective with Archery.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: July 15, 2011, 04:59:19 pm »
Archery indeed does next to no damage. I went in light strange armour on a small battle, and an archer with 3PD fired 15 arrows at my chest, and I took 15% damage in total. He headshotted me and I took another 15% of damage.  He was using a bow or khergit bow, I wasn't really looking at his bow :|

This means that he needs at least 7 headshots to kill me in my LIGHT armour...

Yesterday an archer onehitted me with a headshot against 50 head armor.

General Discussion / Re: Screenshots and videos thread.
« on: June 30, 2011, 07:58:46 pm »

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: fix pikes?
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:13:20 pm »
Colliding with surfaces(ground) is planned with WSE and it will create epic lulz and rage. I'm looking forward to it.

That's great. It will remove that retarded looking ground hitter  :mrgreen:

Me as ex-dedicated Crossbowmen can say, that Shooting is much! easier than going full melee. The reason is: everyone can block nowadays. Half a year ago, before great patch, i know the guys who can beat me, all the others i could just sweep away. Now everyone on the battle servers is a risk for me.

Thats also the reason why this quote is bullshit:
No wonder many people prefer 2h, as nearly everyone can block well enough to be in the easy zone of the 2h learning curve.
Because everyone can block, many choose the easy way and try to just shoot them.
Melee is not about who can block, it is about who is better in blocking! (And many other fators too ofc)
And good shielders are the most annoying and dangerous guys a twohander can meet on the battlefield. Just a Horse Archer can top them.  :mrgreen:

And btw: If you think about the most skilled players in cRPG, you guys think about some archers instead Pyhrex and co.?

General Discussion / Re: Remove this map from rotation please.
« on: June 14, 2011, 11:53:55 pm »
I like it :(

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