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Messages - Wyrda

Pages: [1]
I don't really think there's too many rewards, but the wording is a bit over-complicated.

General Off Topic / Re: THE anime thread
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:51:19 pm »
Check this one out.  Short and sweet :D

I watched the first 30 seconds and it's definitely something I'm gonna check out  :)

Shiki is one of my favourites. Really under-rated.

General Off Topic / Re: SLI GPU's
« on: December 02, 2014, 01:12:23 am »
make sure your power supply is up for it also.

General / Re: Melee: Battlegrounds Q&A
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:34:33 am »
are stabs going to be actually useful? In M&B they worked the same way as slashes, you needed to build up momentum otherwise they didn't do any damage. But if you press a sword against someones skin and push it, will stab into them. So I think in M:BG they should still do damage unless you have like half of the sword model in your enemy when the attack starts.

General / Re: Stronghold mode
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:15:08 pm »
An hour is a long time if you are stuck on an unproductive team which there always a few people who think.
This leads to them RQing which in turn leads to an actual bad team due to few numbers.
If people knew they had to stay on the same losing team for hours then I am pretty sure that a lot of them would leave especially in a gamemode where you depend so much on your team for resources and stuff.

I think it would be really difficult to populate a server with a gamemode that takes more than an hour.

It doesn't necessarily have to last that long every time. If your team is bad then you should lose fairly quickly, the only matches that should last that long are the intense games where each team is neck to neck. Basically my point is that I don't think there should be artificial time restrictions put in place.

General / Re: Possible Review Dans Gaming Twitch Now 11/30 10:56pm CST
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:07:46 pm »
To be honest he just seemed unlikable to me. Not saying anything though.

General / Re: A small word to the dev team
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:39:53 pm »
don't worry, I don't think the dev team had any thoughts of giving up.

I would like to say though, keep up the good work! you're doing a great job at making the game so far, it's not getting the hype and popularity it deserves!

General / Re: Vote for the 2014 Indie of the Year @ Indiedb
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:31:31 pm »
30 seconds too late  :lol:

General / Re: Stronghold mode
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:28:35 pm »
In my opinion 30 minutes to an hour seems too short. I'm pretty certain that the player-base of this game won't be a bunch of casuals who lose interest after a short amount of time; there will be other game modes that will be shorter, I think a fully fleshed out strategy game-mode should potentially last an hour and a half or more.

General / Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:18:14 pm »
That's a big thing for me, i'll play the game and like it, but i dont want a combat system where people claim 'skill' is based on making your character look like they're having a spazz attack with feinting, ground-hugging and circle-jerking. In crpg and warband the more retarded you can make your guy look, the 'better' you are.

Hopefully whatever scumbag meta emerges regarding M:BG combat, if it's popular enough there'll be sufficient population to dilute that and make it fun for the masses.

Not really on topic, but in Chivalry there's a new tactic used by 'pro' players that involves spinning 180 degrees in front of your opponent, doing an overhead attack (usually with something like a greatsword or halberd) and hitting them as soon as the release phase starts when the weapon is still behind your head.

General / Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:45:59 pm »
is the combat going to be based around feint spam as much as in M&B?

General / Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:23:27 pm »
When I ask this I specifically mean the combat. Is the combat very similar to M&B combat? Or is it going to be new ground where everyone has to build up their skills from the bottom? At the moment I've pledged $150, but I'm not sure if I want to pledge more if the game is going to be M&B at it's core, just with different features and game modes etc.
Personally I have never been a huge player of M&B multiplayer or cRPG. I found out about the game quite late after its release, and when I play in multiplayer almost everyone in the server is much much better and overwhelms me easily. Then I found out about Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and I've been playing that. I started not too long after it came out and it was fun because most of the players were on my skill level. There were some players that were a lot better, but that just encouraged me to play more and get better myself.
So my point is, I think M:BG should be encouraging for new players. I'm worried is that all of the from the start the game will be dominated by Mount and Blade veterans, and it won't be a good environment to encourage new players to get into the game and will stifle growth.

Also a about archers: I played cRPG a bit with the aim of being an archers, but after skipping the fun and finding out that archers were useless I stopped playing. I don't want them to be useless in M:BG, if they're there they should be viable. It's not good to cater to the minority of elite players who dislike there being a skill equaliser.

I'm gonna do by best to support the AU community. Try and convert a some players from the M&B and Chivalry communities.

General Off Topic / Problem with Forum Regristration
« on: November 28, 2014, 08:31:15 am »
I can't see anywhere else to post his so I'll put it here

Basically when I tried registering through this site It didn't work and came up with an error. I had to install cRPG to get access. And I've heard of many other people having the same issue. There's probably a whole bunch of people interesting in M:BG who come here to discuss the game, but can't because of the error.

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