cRPG Technical problems / Re: Please help me account: my account are all composed of digital
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:07:21 pm »
hello nessaj,Thank you for your help me,944028148 this account now Can't log on to c-rpg.net,I read what you say, but it is precisely because the account can not log on to C-rpg.net,So I can't log in it and access to the forum.melee.org~。In fact,That is why I come for help,Some time ago I forgot my password. And then I entered the Eu_Crpg_1 according to the specification, and press the QMPS.After that, unfortunately, I use the system give the password and all my own password is wrong,This is probably the ins and outs of.I can offer my CDKEY to prove that this is my account to you,I hope you can help me~.I write as much as possible so you can see more understand,because i m chinese,In short no matter how, thank you very much