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Messages - Peyko

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Ban request?
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:18:34 pm »

I just recently started playing C-rpg again and i noticed a specific dude pole-arm that was blocking pretty much everything coming at him. At one point he managed to block against 3 enemies nearly at the same time, ending up killing them all in a 3v1 fight. It looked a bit suspicious if i may say so.
His name was Eques_habibi or something along those lines. When i asked how the hell he could be so good, (he had a 14 kills, 0 death ratio) he said "I dont know :D", when i asked further, he quit the game.

It was a bit suspicious. I actually think that guy cheated or some sort. It was really unrealistic the blocks he did. Or maybe he is just that good, i don't know.
Just thought you should know.


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