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Messages - Woops

Pages: [1]
I can still claim that nK was the original spartan clan back in the good old warband beta days...but thinking of this is making me miss that silly Styo fellow :/

We are sorry if it makes you nostalgic, dont mean to still ideas, but if it helps and you can get confirmed that they where to original we can give a tribute to them.

I will talk to the guys in spartans and see but think we could be in for 5 maybe 7.

I like the idea.
For us money is not a super big issue. but would be nice to be able to use 40k:P

When it comes to classes it would be some problems, but maybe we could be 2 sword and 3spear even though sword and spear is our "thing".

Maps we are very liberal as long as there is no place for roof camp our unreachable spots.

Have only read fast through the other post so tell me if i missed anything

PS: What about server ping? where located?

We apologise if we have hurt the Ninja fun clan. This was not our intentions. We are just a group of friend having fun. And we haven't stole anything as i know. Did not know there was stolen equipment to be bought. 

Hehe thanks!


This is SPARTA and we are Spartans
If you are not with us may the gods shrivel your cocks.

Leader: Woops

Members: Lokfaen, Beskjeden, HBG, Gullien, hungul, SirLashalot, Wildcard

We are usually found on the EU crpg servers.

We are also looking into Strategus

The gear:

Husclar's round shield - Shields 4 (Gold: 6458)
Warspear - Strength 6 (Gold: 2258)
Nordic champion's sword - Strength 7 (Gold: 7842)
Javelins - Power Throw 3 (Gold: 3856)


Mail Chausses - Strength 10 (Gold: 1358)
Mail Mittens - Strength 6 (Gold: 1376)
Studded Leather over Mail- Strength 11 (Gold: 7395)
Barbutte - Strength 14 (Gold: 5645)

Minimum strength to use all equipment : 14
Total price for all equipment : 36188 gold

For Recruitment send a message to me or lokfaen

Subject to change under devlopment.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Main and alt characters
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:56:51 am »
Thats good to know, How do I change main character for strategus? Is it just so delete the old one and choose a new one?

Thanks for fast reply

Beginner's Help and Guides / Main and alt characters
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:37:19 am »
Hi, I just read the post by chadz about about changes that would be maid. I dident understand if there was a difference in crpg and strategus characters. Im new to the game and have been playing crpg. I created a new character for joining strategus being afreid my crpg main will be removed. But now chadz talkes about removing characters and only leaving main characters and have a =to strategus. My main character is Spartans_Woops. How can i make sure that they know that?

Sorry for very complicated question. Hope someone understand an can help me.

Best Regards

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to add clan tag/change nick?
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:39:19 pm »
Thank you for fast help. Cprg is awesome.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to add clan tag/change nick?
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:37:24 pm »
Thank you for fast reply. Have seen the option but im woundering if I will  keep the stats that I have build up or will that be lost?

Best Regards

Beginner's Help and Guides / How to add clan tag/change nick?
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:15:58 pm »
Me and some friend want to change our nicks and add a clan tag. I have look true the forum and haven't found anything yet. Could some one pass a link or tell me how to inform about this change ?

Thank you for any help

cRPG Technical problems / Is there a webpage for the EU_crpg servers?
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:21:45 pm »
Is there a webpage for the EU_crpg servers? And are they down today?

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