« on: June 08, 2014, 12:21:51 pm »
Some people claim he knows about a time, a place where things were possible...........things that others do not and cannot know. Who are these people and why do they make such claims? Is the secret of Lord_Ulrich really a secret? Is there really a book written by the servants of Lord_Ulrich? What is it about? Why was it written, if it indeed was? Where is it? What does it mean? Does Lord_Ulrich dabble in the sciences? Why is Lord_Ulrich so mysterious? Where is Lord_Ulrich right now? What is he thinking about? What is the story of Lord_Ulrichs family ties to nobility? Is it true? Will Lord_Ulrich ever face justice for his unspeakable war crimes? Does Lord_Ulrich understand the full nature of his actions, is he accountable? Will Lord_Ulrich ever speak publicly on these issues? Perhaps he will, but then again perhaps not.