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Messages - Graven

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Working around autoteambalance
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:22:19 am »
@Bansbane : You are correct and my suggestion is not aimed at making the game less fun, I would like it to be fun to everyone and not a chosen few. Exploiting the balance system to receive your multiplier is not a way to go though. If you lock team selection then the balance will throw you into the winning team once in a while resulting in a moderate money/xp gain. It's not going to be constant x5 but not a constant x1 as well so it would be fair.

Lock the team selection in the next update chadz please. Hear the poor peasant call :P

Suggestions Corner / Re: Working around autoteambalance
« on: January 29, 2011, 08:08:29 pm »
None? Honestly? None has anything to say about this annoying and low behaviour? Might this be that most of ppl just doesn't want to know that this 'feature' exists so that they can exploit it?

I am just playing a siege game on EU 5 where most of the Shogunate uses this exploit to get they constant x5 while all the other players are kicked in the ass turn after turn. And before anyone jumps out - its not the flag balance, it's done on purpose.

Can we please please please make this a bannable offence? Games are pointless when you keep loosing to such unfair behaviour. This is a team game and everyone should have fun not just a chosen few that are exploiting.

Suggestions Corner / Working around autoteambalance
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:43:43 pm »
Hi Guys
I play a lot of siege recently and I noticed that people try to avoid being transferred by autoteambalance script. At the end of round you can see a number of people joining spectator and then re-entering the winning (usually attacker) team.

I think this is even possible because of the latest changes to the CRPG. Back before the 'big patch' you could not re-join from spectator - no idea if it was a bug or a functionality but it worked perfectly as a way of avoiding such behaviour.

Can I get your thoughts on that? I suggest to make this bannable exploit like placing the construction sites to block entrances and in a future patch chadz can bring back the team lock.

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