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Messages - ApollonCIA

Pages: [1]
Diplomacy / Re: Les Chevaliers Occitans
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:25:06 pm »
In the talk I had with bohmaster, there was only a discussion on reasons why we should not take his village. Main points being Bohmaster is no longer TKoV in strat and that it would be a free trade fief. Nothing else was agreed upon but to not attack his village. No merc support. No allies. Nothing ...

Thank you for clarifying, Inglorious.

Diplomacy / Re: Les Chevaliers Occitans
« on: March 16, 2014, 01:41:41 am »
The Mates aren't Occitan, and I assume the "partnership" Inglorious meant was just that they themselves wouldn't attack you. You should be thankful that due to Occitan/Chevaliers you survived a few more days than you would have as a useless faction that can't defend itself.

Neither post claimed the Mates are Occitan.  Not sure where you read that.

I'm not privy to the details of the partnership, so you could be right.  Though Boh, whom was present for the discussion, at least seems believe that neither side would merc against the other.  I'll take his word over yours, unless you were there during their discussion.

Diplomacy / Re: Les Chevaliers Occitans
« on: March 16, 2014, 12:42:08 am »
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so LCO how about that whole hour long talk we had?

Quote from: IngloriouslyBad
Wow... This went south quick. Anyways, bohmaster denounced being TKOV in strat any longer as he's part of "green machine". Explained that he wanted to do a free trade fief etc etc. free from previous leadership. Talked long enough to receive a partnership with him. LCO no longer requires his eviction, carry on bohmaster friend.

That's one magnificent partnership ... perhaps a mistake?

Diplomacy / Re: Eviction Notice - Bohmasterflex_TKoV - NA New Tilimsal
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:13:08 am »
when the agrement was 100% merc support yes! there no excuse you guys are shit liar piece of garbage in my mind and will never change sorry to be harsh but that the true, we tryed to be friend you guys fucked up live with it.

I have a feeling it won't mean much, but for what it's worth I apologize on behalf of us and the two members who did not provide 100% merc support.

Diplomacy / Re: Eviction Notice - Bohmasterflex_TKoV - NA New Tilimsal
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:53:34 am »
Quote from: Aldogalus
Funny thing is... MB probably knows more than you (and by MB i mean myself), though inglorious miscomprehended what i was saying when I talked to him.

Heres the thing about people . . .  In this case, Adoptagoat did a whole lot of talking . . . told me things about your factions plans, that you probably didn't have any idea about (kinda reminds me of your interior fuck-up in strat four, that your leaders tried to wash up, and convince everyone wasn't real. Probably even convinced many of you). He told me that your faction wasn't even planning on playing strat, and that they were just gonna sell fiefs for gold and looms.

People also provide, in many cases unknowingly, incorrect information.  With all due respect to Goat and our other inactive leaders, the information you and others received is inaccurate.  Adoptagoat, while having some presence in the forums, is not serving an active leadership role (AFAIK) and has no current role in the Strat plans that Boh has for New Tilimsal (leadership or otherwise).  I haven't seen my favorite adoptable animal in the TKoV TS in what feels like months.  So, you probably do not know more than Hiln (or Boh, or myself), because the traditional TKoV leadership has not been involved at any level (also, AFAIK).  This much you know.

Quote from: Still Aldogalus
Now, you can think that we/I attacked your fiefs out of a grudge from last strat, but the simple truth is this: you guys were obviously a sinking ship of a faction, that tried to claim 8 fiefs just south of us, in a prime location. This did not settle well with me from the git-go... though i've never been  a fan of "claiming fiefs".

I don't think such -- possibly because I haven't been involved during the prior incarnations of Strat.  I believe claiming these fiefs was an error in judgment. 

Quote from: Still Aldogalus
Overall I would just like to say, I still like and get along with many of the TKoV guys, even if Kale called us some r00d names. Goat and I made ammends the other day, though I'm sure this post may change that again. I hate to see any respectable (I know thats questionable), long term faction bite the dust. [Emphasis mine]

Gee, thanks.  We're questionably respectable!

All jokes aside, Hiln, Boh, and myself are working to keep TKoV alive in some manner.  Given our posture, we will discuss anything brought to the table.  I only ask that you discuss it with one of the three of us (preferably me, for the moment) unless our previous leadership can dedicate time to the faction.

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