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Messages - MagisterMundi

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: I'm terrible at PvP melee combat
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:21:16 pm »
Rather than continuing to spam posts, I'm just gonna say thank you all for the help so far. I appreciate the response. For those of you offering to help me out, I'll PM you about it.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: I'm terrible at PvP melee combat
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:12:54 pm »
Yay noobies!


Appreciate the advice. Alas, I'm fresh out of LP, so you'll have to go without. ;-)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: I'm terrible at PvP melee combat
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:09:36 pm »
You should play a generation as a shielder before jumping into 2h. That should teach you when you can attack and when you cant, it should enable you to last longer in fights ( you wont learn much if you get roflstomped as 2h), and you should get some sense of block timing without worrying about direction.

That's a good idea. I was sort of thinking of doing that anyway after a fashion next time around - I was going to go Crossbow, so I can use what would normally be reserved for PD on Shield and PS and put a decent number of points into 1H. I've seen what look to be some pretty good hybrid templates, and I was going to try one of them out. Maybe I should go straight shielder, though.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: I'm terrible at PvP melee combat
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:07:01 pm »
Add me on steam - "Macropus", and contact me whenever you see me online, we could go to duel server and practice for a while to see what's wrong.

Appreciate the help. I sent you a friend request... I think. There were multiple accounts with the name Marcopus, and even more than one that had a kangaroo as a profile picture. I sent a request to the one with the kangaroo that's identical to the one in your profile.

Beginner's Help and Guides / I'm terrible at PvP melee combat
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:56:52 am »
Guys, I'm terrible at PvP melee combat. Absolutely awful. I'm Gen 2, about to be Gen 3, and I'm still just so bad at melee that it's comical. I'm a decent shot, and in DTV melee I can hold my own, but against other players it's just pitiful. Like, I can take my level 30 2H build against an archer with some crappy sword and no PS and consistently lose. I'm not sure why I'm so awful - I'm pretty decent at similar games, like War of the Vikings and War of the Roses. I'm even okay at vanilla, though not great. But for some reason, I just don't seem to get PvP melee in cRPG.

I'm probably going back to ranged weaponry of some sort next gen, but I really do want to get better at melee so I can participate in that half of the game. Anyone have any suggestions for someone who's absolutely horrible?

NA (Official) / Re: Ban request for Pluta and Nerb
« on: March 22, 2014, 08:44:55 am »
I was one of the witnesses. syanidedude was being a bit unnecessarily antagonistic/aggressive toward Nerb and Pluta in chat (and only in chat; he left them alone in game) IMHO, but they definitely knowingly and intentionally TK'ed him without any provocation outside of chat. Plus, they really were being pretty annoying. It's also worth mentioning that Nerb had been kicked multiple times (twice?) by vote and kept coming back and engaging in annoying behaviors.

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