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Messages - Nameless

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: How I ruined their peaceful game
« on: February 16, 2014, 02:42:38 pm »
You were talking about EU_5, which is the "Up to level 20" server. And yeah, these insults are nice too, thanks for reminding me it.

EU (Official) / Re: How I ruined their peaceful game
« on: February 16, 2014, 02:19:41 pm »
So you were breaking the rules, another player made a kick poll and you teamkilled him for it? Are you sure that HE is the cunt?  :rolleyes:

You better change your behaviour or you won't be able to play this mod for a long time...

There were several complaints about you:
I am explaining these in the original post. He was the type of guy who only plays for money. So he's either remaining at spawn walking around, or behind the shield wall, running back when the wall is broken. This time he camped spawn, so he had seen everything and voted me like 15 seconds after I was miles gone from the Viscount. Yes, this is what a CUNT means. I did nothing I would feel guilty for. After all, I was 10 times more useful for the viscount than most of the players pressing "1" including "Jony_The_Butcher" himself.

EU (Official) / How I ruined their peaceful game
« on: February 16, 2014, 01:53:37 pm »
Hey, got banned just a few minutes ago, so here have some explanation what actually happened and how guilty I am. I was hitting Valdemart before the round started, but I didn't notice the beginning, so I kept hitting and 2 times actually took him some HP down (Pheasant round, so...). That retard immidiately set up a kick poll and because lots of people were spamming "1" in the chat, It was obvious that I was going to be kicked, so I killed him for being a cunt and left. I am new to this game (2-3 days), but yet I don't teamkill anyone for no reason, only some random nudges, but who doesn't do that? I am pissed how people behave with reports. Reports when hitting accidentaly someone in a shield wall, reports when hitting someone in a mass-fight, poll when hitting Valdemart in a peasant round - lel. I am not begging for unban or whatever, just saying what actually happened and that the guy was not as innocent soul as it might look. I was also in the TOP 5 on the server, so I hope getting rid of the worst cruelest evilest teamkiller the world had ever seen helped.

I saw the same guy some days back on EU 5 (yes there are players on eu 5 sometimes) where he insulted all other players and teamkilled alot.
Actually? We were 2 in the team and I didn't teamkill anyone. And as far as I remember, the only insult I used was "I'll bash u" - you do remember that, don't u?
Yep i witnessed it also this guy was rolling around eu2 for last few days teamhiting random ppl, trolling, spamming with caps on etc.
I admit trolling and writing with CAPS. (Not spamming tho) - Your last few days were actually 2 hours.

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