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Messages - Talanarsis

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General Off Topic / Re: Madman is doing it
« on: February 02, 2017, 06:48:21 am »
Didn't think he would. First politician since albert to stick to election promises. Impressive.

Feel bad for beaner buddies tho.

Eh, as long as your "beaner buddies" aren't here illegally there's nothing to worry about.

I'd literally pay everything to be the one he spit on uuuuuuh yes daddy

Uggg.... You need one of those silicone Beiber dolls.

Bieber is a national treasure

Yeess... The guy who literally spit on his fans is a national treasure....

Probably because they don't want all American immigrants coming into Canada now after Trump got elected. LUL

Well we didn't want Canadian immigrants here, but we're still stuck with Bieber. We've had that kid here for so long, it's only fair that you take our undesirables.

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:41:27 pm »
My biggest question is which of the dragons will Jon Targaryen ride?

Rhaegal maybe? That dragon is named after Jon's father, after all.

kekeke burn the evil doers! Also and as a funny note, in Sweden you can get a life sentence for: Murder, kidnapping, arson, sabotage, devastation, hijacking, espionage, terror crimes, rebellion, endangering the public health by spread of contagion or poison, disloyalty when negotiating with foreign powers, dealing with anti-personnel mines, cluster bombs or chemical or nuclear weapons, unlawful nuclear explosion, treason, genocide and (the following in wartime only) mutiny, insubordination, undermining the will to fight, desertion, unauthorised capitulation, negligence of war preparations and negligence of battle duty; attempts, accessories, accomplices and incitements of all the above crimes might also be punished with life. Although in practice "life sentence" in Sweden almost always means 18 years then parole.

Shhh, I didn't come here to argue with educated people.

Yet somehow nordics got barely any people locked up and lot less crime in general than US. Those cushy apartments and television have proven to be extremely effective in recreating. A person gets locked up and the only part taken from him is his freedom. He gets out, he can readjust. The punishment to the max doesnt really work because you take more than a persons freedom in those places. A guy cant readjust with the normal society anymore. His so fucking broken from the harsh punishment that its like they got back from Vietnam. Why even bother to lock em up in that case? Just shoot them there. I just dont believe the insane amount of prisoners the US has were all born beond repair evil. Thats just not possible.

So you believe rapists, murderers, and thieves should be rewarded for ruining other people's lives by being pampered by the government with tax dollars from the same people they destroyed? And we may have more crime than you, but we're dealing with issues you're not. Do you have a bunch of gangs running around? Do you have "thug" culture where people hate police and will shoot them on sight? Do you have a hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants coming to your nation every year, where in recent years more than 50% are convicted criminals ?
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 Your lack of crime may also have to do with the forced military service. Those in the military are generally better than the average civilian. Here we give the choice to join the military. We don't pull people out of their homes and force them to join

Its not like its their fault. Prisons there are ment to recreate not punish. Unlike the US prisons where generally even minor offenders get so fucked up they end up being major offenders for life. If they wanted him to suffer they should have sold him to the russians to be placed in some harsh Siberian prison.

How will pampering criminals prevent them from committing more crime? You need to give them a reason not to commit crimes. Not all crimes are committed by people with mental illnesses. Not all crimes are committed by people who are "too stressed" and can't deal with life. Crimes are committed by people who want to harm others. There are people in this world who desire to do wrong. It's not something wrong with their brain, it's a conscious choice. Giving them a cushy apartments inside a prison with television and internet will not deter them from committing more crime. It won't show them what they did was wrong. Criminals need to be punished. They need to be shown what they did was wrong.

« on: February 11, 2016, 10:32:29 am »
The gobblins have come for my virginity... DEFEND THE VIRGIN!

We'd welcome a visit from the esteemed Bryggan, just keep your lords and minions at home.

What about me?! Am I welcome?! I'm willing to sleep with whoever it takes to get welcome into your silly fief!

General Off Topic / Re: Boobies vs butts
« on: January 30, 2016, 04:54:45 am »
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Faction Halls / Dead. Nothing to see here. Move along.
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:27:47 am »
As of January twenty third, two thousand and six the The Sovereign Kingdom of Velüka is now dead. Due to miscommunication and insanity (well, the insanity is all me) we laid claim to lands that had already been claimed. I personally would like to apologize to all members of The Despotate, and promise to reimburse them for all troops and gear lost in the battle with Sir_Lord_Gentleman_Snuffy. The last thing I want is to cause conflict, so now I am dismantling The Sovereign Kingdom of Velüka. I wish The Despotate luck with their conquest of Veluca and it's surrounding lands.

Faction Halls / Re: The Sovereign Kingdom of Velüka
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:11:14 am »
Sheeit man, did you even graduate kindergarten? Your T's are I's, S's are G's, K's are R's or T's, V's are B's, Y's are N's, N's look like X's or some shit, and your U's have eyeballs. 0/10 stop playing war games and go back to gradeschool.

Don't blame me, blame the weird font that makes letters look like other letters. Only German font I could find, soooo... yeah...

Diplomacy / Re: Claims?
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:28:53 am »
The Soverign Kingdom of Velüka claims these lands
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