Faction Halls / Re: [of_Acre] Crusaders of Acre ("Take up the sword in a holy Crusade" NA/EU)
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:20:51 am »
Forum Name: Teuton Konrad (will get it changed ASAP )
In-game Name: Perrin
Do you have TS3? Yes
How long are you usually on a day/week? Most of the day
What other clans have you been in (if none leave blank)? Teutonic Order
References (clan members who recruited you. If none leave blank):
In-game Name: Perrin
Do you have TS3? Yes
How long are you usually on a day/week? Most of the day
What other clans have you been in (if none leave blank)? Teutonic Order
References (clan members who recruited you. If none leave blank):