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Messages - Arashai

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the replies everyone. Thats what i thought - basically just minimum agility. A friend of mine and myself were just toying around with the idea of insane high agility riding/infantry hybrid, like the 12/28, but countering that with saving points by putting less in athletics. So youd have you your lance and 8 riding, but also have a shield and a 1h that swings very quickly because of the high agility+4 wm. We tested it out on a stf, it seemed to work, my main worry was the lowish damage.. Either way though thats just the theory-crafting question haha...

I used to play cav alot pre-nerfs, just getting back into it. Ive noticed the angleing is a bit more tough now. Which makes me debate on whats better nowadays, pure lance/pole when in infantry mode. -Or- the hybrid Lance 1h/shield, Im just having troubles deciding.

On horses, i am very fond of my courser, -Togoblinking- Ive actually never tryed any of the heavier horses, besides on occasion in a map where i grab one after mine has died. Ill have to think about it.

As title says, im curious, with the new agility changes recently, would a build leaning heavier on agility be better? or no difference?
Like possibly the 15/24 , or even something crazy like a 12/28, would the increase in wpf/speed be better/outweigh the loss in ps damage?
Just spit ballin, thoughts?

Edit- Also secondary question, First looms should be spent on what? a horse or a lance?

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