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Messages - Hamor

Pages: [1]
Well, help. Myself and a few other Aussie players have been experiencing this problem since that small update. No matter what I do, I can't seem to access the website but get no problems accessing every other website in existence, here is persisting error Error code: ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED. Yes I have cleared chache, deleted cookies reset my router, turned off all firewalls/antivirus but it has to be a problem on your end. I have literally tried everything and am only posting this through a proxy. Like I said, a few other fellow Aussie players are also having this problem and none of us have fixed it. I even downloaded the launcher through the proxy the launcher then doesn't patch a single thing.

This is a big problem to us and needs to be fixed ASAP. more errors

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Australian Fiefs!
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:19:11 am »
Australia does need a few fifes, maybe ? 3-5 fifes and 1-2 castles would do the trick.
I love the look of strat but fucking playing it on high ping we are currently getting 50-60 people on in peak times although we don't have a huge community its a damn active one seein as everyone knows each other give us fucking strat !

cRPG Technical problems / fuck, help.
« on: January 12, 2014, 02:22:51 pm »
Ill cut straight to it, someone knows my cd key thus knowing my entire crpg account is there anyway i can transfer my shit to a new key or make it so he can't acess my account on this current cd key


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