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Messages - Roh_

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Closed Requests / Warn/Ban Maalzear
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:29:58 pm »
Guy is prone to disruptive trolling.

Here are a couple pics of him following me around and standing directly in front of me while Im trying to shoot as an archer.

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Here is one of him standing in the way to keep friendly archers from getting on a roof early game.

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And here is one of him tking someone at the beginning of the round. I admit this person was an annoying voice spammer.. But that isnt a reason to tk and it sparked off a spree of tking the poor little douche.

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It's up to the admins to decide what action is appropriate but I hope something is done to discourage him from actively trying to keep others from enjoying their selves.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [Stats] Side Sword
« on: January 03, 2012, 07:53:11 am »
Seems to me it would make more sense just to lower the price on the side sword. One more speed or damage isnt going to make up for the length anyway.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:15:39 pm »

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Check the difference between the sniper and the heavy crossbow spd. Heavy is the only one to not change on spd between Gem2 and Gem3. I dont know if this is actually how it is or of this is a typo.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 28, 2011, 04:15:16 am »
Is there a typo on the heavy crossbow? Or is it really the only crossbow not to gain three shotspeed by top tier?

Closed Requests / Re: Temp Ban Request
« on: February 22, 2011, 10:26:53 pm »
Oh trust me. Everyone was well aware of this map being broken. Everyone also knew he was out there. I had also mentioned earlier during the map that the master of the field flags spawn outside normal play area... So everyone was aware of that too. He was either trying to keep the multiplier or breaking several rules to make a point. And effecting everyone's gameplay to do it.

It's not the greatest sin in the world. Or even in the game. But.. he broke a rule. There is no question of it. It effected more then 50 people.. Is this instance a big deal? No. Is the fact that folks think its perfectly fine to do this sort of thing? Well thats really the admins choice but in my opinion it isn't.

General Discussion / Re: Crush-Through on Bar Mace and Long Iron Mace
« on: February 22, 2011, 08:37:37 pm »
I like the mauls and mallets the way they are. Well maybe a bit higher str requirement but meh. I would actually want to use the barmace and long iron onion more if they did a little more damage and didnt have crushthrough/unbalanced. The morningstar? I dont use it but shield damage/pierce through armor? Heh kick ass weapon to make all the worthless 2h axes cry. Those poor 2h axes.. already made worthless by polearm axes and now this. LoL

Closed Requests / Re: Temp Ban Request
« on: February 22, 2011, 07:43:18 pm »
LoL The "absolute" proof was for the admins. They've often said to me that if there are no screen shots it didn't happen. That is what I meant by absolute proof. And if I thought volunteering for punishment for what I admit were acts of poor judgment would lead to the admins moderating in a somewhat effective way... I would do so. But as things are you, a seemingly intelligent and relatively mature individual, thought that obviously breaking more then one rule while interrupting the entire server's gameplay was the best way to make a point. So yeah. I don't have a lot of faith and am not going to volunteer.

Closed Requests / Re: Temp Ban Request
« on: February 22, 2011, 07:19:07 pm »
I rarely break the rules. And when I do it's usually out of frustration that someone is breaking a rule, like team wounding me, and the admins aren't going to do anything. So I try to take some vengeance to at least feel a bit better. It's wrong. I know it. Is why I try to resist the urge. But when the admins aren't going to stop that kind of behavior.. Or even do anything of value to discourage it what do you expect?

The worst that happens to most people is a "play nice" or a finger wagging and "Don't do it again" no matter how many times they break the rules. Its out right fuckin sad. So sorry black but I had absolute proof you broke the rules and yes I was hoping they would make an example of you. Though as I said in server I didn't really expect that much.

Closed Requests / Temp Ban Request
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:24:43 pm »
Putting in a request for a Temp ban or some form of punishment for TGang_BlackAndYellow for map exploiting to gain the win and save his x5 multiplier. He isn't a huge problem player as far as I know but it would be nice if folks were punished for things like this. Would go a long way to improve the community. Screens incoming.

A pic of him outside the map while the last on his team. Should have gone spec here but no....
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A few pics of him capping the flag outside on the fail map in question.
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Now I dont think the idiot should be perm banned. He isn't the devil.. But he is still an idiot who cheated just to keep his x5 by exploiting a known glitch in the map. A couple days banned might be a good example to folks.

Spam / Re: AwesomeBar
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:52:40 pm »
I'm all for anything that discourages trolling.


I would have to give force points my vote over awesomebar.

The force is after all concentrated awesome! :p

Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:59:35 pm »
Shame they can't adjust the rate at which your accuracy returns after an attack. If throwing got useless innacurate for a few solid sec after each toss that would balance things well.

This way a thrower can still quickly toss them at a good time. But cant continue to spam like mad. not if they want to avoid wasting ammo.

Suggestions Corner / Re: The voice chat system.
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:33:54 pm »
That's only if you play siege. Here is one that useful in any mode "Stop you fucking Lemmings!". For when your team can't find two brain cells to rub together and just charges forward at the worst possible time.

(Yes I know there is "Hold your ground" but I would like it to be more insulting as the dumbasses who play this game still charge toward fail as fast as possible.)

Suggestions Corner / The voice chat system.
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:32:37 pm »
It's actually a good idea. And some of the commands could have a use if you could get the lemmings in pub to listen. But there are a few more that could be far more useful. Such as "Behind you!". The noise coupled with the fact that your team echo popping up for save a lot of people. I've tried using the whistle... but they just ignore it.

General Discussion / Re: selfish players / killfarmers
« on: February 12, 2011, 03:11:55 am »
I think if you want to fight alone.. You should be on a duel server. That said I see people doing stupid shit to team wound all the time. And it pisses me off too. Most of all because its extremely rare for them to even trouble themselves to apologize. But really some folks need to learn how to work with their teammates. If you know someone is trying to help... don't strafe in that direction. Go the other way.. give them room to help. Most of my team wounds on foot are because idiots slip between me and an enemy when Im swinging at them.

Please people... try to be more aware... and actually think tactically on occasion? Simple shit really...

General Discussion / Re: Gold, GOLD, GOOOOLD I TELLS YA!
« on: February 12, 2011, 02:57:08 am »
Gorath you using one of the top tier shields? Those things are pricy now.

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