« on: December 20, 2013, 04:12:04 am »
I was banned when i clearly said stop, if u check the chat, and we were not the only ones, there was someone who started attacking me on and gandalf on our team but i forget the name, and we fought throughout the whole period, i'm a super bad player so i had around -50 at the beginning (i play on laptop and on pad... getting new computer with entire gear soon) Plus i'm only a monkey so how would i know better?
We weren't trying to affect anyone else... thats why we fought at the beginning of the match and when we saw that it was affecting people we stopped . AND 6 HOURS! I only am getting that long because of admin abuse in the pass (Had proof until i kind of dropped my laptop and had to fix a couple things... still half broken.) AND 6 HOURS! hmmmmmmmm................. uhmm....... Wow..... NOT NICE TO A LONLEY MONKEY!