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Messages - Big_Nat_Mouth

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Molly... yur poitless.. sorry lol

hehe lol Jead, good call on the french... but yeah forgot to tell about the 5 shots... its fucking retard! Could you imagine with a nomade bow on a plated strg build?!?!? If you only have 20 arrows, at least it should not take 23 shots to make a kill, I mean, its not even decent, its total bullshit come on guys, y'all know it. :/

If you guys dont do someting wise about the archery being raped; I'm gonna swap my skip-the-fun has my main caracter, witch is:
Shielder/crossbow, 9 ath, 5 pw strk, 8 wpnm, 6 shld, and 4 ir flsh.
This (in my position and opinion) is the gayest build I ever created.
This is my warning to Crpg community. If you dont do anything about this archery nerf, I unlesh the beast! lol

Sersly, I think the problem is the mix of new poweful builds, blend with the fact that archers struggle more then ever to be effective against the new OP mass of players. Archery isnt match for the mass right now. Me and Jead made some tests in a dead NA server (siege, what else could it be?!? lol) and what we came up with was has worst as I tought. I have a pur archer built (21/21, 7 pw draw, 7 wep mast, 161 of archery.) With a long bow and botkin arrows. it took 4 shots in the body to kill a medium/light armor agi build player (Jead skip-the-fun) that had 6 ironflesh and 45 body armor (BTW 6 ironflesh is the average now that everybody have so much skill points that they dont know what to do with them, except for archers, that still struggle to be effective for the team now that they have half ammo cuted and that they dont do any damage at all). And the worst is that with only 41 or 42 head armor, he manage to take 2 shots in the HEAD before dying, and I shot him with the most powerful stuff and build humanly possible for an archer.
This is unaceptable.
The other thing (witch is not major but personaly make me freaking rage) Is that the new balance on bow stats killed the Rus Bow. It's totaly useless now. Same damage then the normal Bow, but the Bow is faster, cheaper, lighter, and they have the exacte same damage. The 4 accuracy stats difference between the 2 bows, doesnt change a shit at all on the gameplay, as soon as you get over 130 archery wp points. So you guys killed the really balanced, skillfull and sexy Rus Bow. 
This new patch is finaly burying the game, with no chance of playing siege, rang or play in team, because now everyone wants to play the hero on battle with fuag fucking long mauls (witch I really like to use with my alt, but its soo OP and easy to use lol).
Sorry about this negative comment, but the virtuous archer in me had to talk real! SHEERS MATE!


-_- ..................................................................................

holy shit well good luck for stopping trolls in this trollpit game.
rather reply then reporting so... I'm tired of it, I'm new in and everytime some shit happens I should make a police file?! I dont have all these info, sorry. I'm just new at this game I dont know how to get all this information, it was on NA battle server what more to say about the server??! nothing happend before I never saw that dude befor he killed me complete random teamkill and I swear on my mother's head it was random! And the time is written on my screen shot, is name is in the subject of my post and if I'm not wrong you admits can go see the text chats of servers. QFS_Big_Nat_Mouth is my complet name so whats missing now? Can this jerk be ban?!

NA (Official) / Pls BAN! teamkill at spawn! HangfromCeilingfannington
« on: March 15, 2014, 05:18:20 am »
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He did finaly killed me after at least 10 striks! I don't know if you guys can see it in the text chat of that battle, I could take any other screen shoots after this one, still didnt installed fraps :P  Tnks guys for taking the time to look at my request.

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