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Messages - Beleidiger

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Were is the Problem guys you really think there are more than 50% Trolls in this Forum OMG!And for Real no single Admin Kicked/Banned more than 50% Players using this Forum!And i think if they really would act together there anyway no more than 30% at all!

I like the Idea to take in an democratic way the Adminpower from abusers than i seen a lot of Adminfails since i play this Game!

Be sure we will Vote Fair so wy Fearing a Shit when you did nothing wrong!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Grind, grind, grind even more! - nerf!
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:51:51 pm »
And a big grinder is in short time gen 100 and then??

I am new to crpg I love it I was reading the forums and read about retiring, I was level 41 I believe dont remember exactly and I retired, unfortunately I did not get the choice to heirloom an item and it does not say I am generation 2 now?

If you are new in crpg there is no way that you was LvL 41 like my Beforposter Sayd i think you was in age of 41 the Lvl is the number in ()

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Grind, grind, grind even more! - nerf!
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:48:16 pm »
Bonus xp?

Maybe 5000 - 10000 Gold?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Grind, grind, grind even more! - nerf!
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:43:44 pm »
Guys so much Grinding to get Heirloomed Weapons is important to make them Special!

But i think implement an small Bonus after retire at lvl15 would be a nice Idea i dont know wat Bonus but it would be nice!

EDIT:BTW: The Idea of an x10 omg you guys Crazy think about Gen 15 guy 10 Maps x10 = lol

Suggestions Corner / Re: Totally pointless impossible wishlist.
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:35:48 pm »
Hmmm this amount of Changes will bring many and many Bugs with it if its already possible to do it anyway!

I am fine with M&B(Dont misunderstand there are cool Ideas tough) than we have a lot of Bugs atm in the Game like fail animations Ghost hits Ghost arrows Glitches and a couple of more my Wish is to Fix that and then we can talk over your Wishes^^

General Discussion / Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:26:23 pm »
I said that.   :wink:

*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword.  They're just too slow to attack/feint.   :mrgreen:*

Hmmmm i do alot of Kills with my Nordic Champion and against good players too OK maybe they just Lucky in Blocking me 10 times before they die!

AND WTF is the Spammitar is that a good 1h i dont have??Maybe the Scimitar?? Buy Buy Buy/Spam Spam Spam
Do a swing if he blockes the wrong direction, attack!

Maybe thats a Trap!!

Hmmm that Players aint that Bad because they know they cant win alone so using support is a good Tacktick and make you a good Player the spell Owned makes him just to an moron Player
Someone who runs away from you, into a group of 10 more of their buddies before re-engaging you, gets last blow and says 'owned'.

Next round couch lancing them 20 paces from their spawn, and returning their message, priceless.

General Discussion / Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
« on: January 22, 2011, 08:47:37 am »
They hold sideblock while I approach with a pike  :lol:

Disagree i ever hold side block if someone approaches with a Pike so he think he can take me down easily but than fast backward block slash Pike man dead^^

Archers ho just standing to shoot!

Suggestions Corner / Re: We need back Penalty immediately!
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:57:11 am »
There certainly is a tk penalty! It is called do it enough times and get a ban. Learn to report excessive team killing, but also bear in mind accidents happen so dont get your panties in a knot if you jump into a group of people and get in the way


1.The most TK are accidentally but Players think oh i help him slash slash the Problem was i was on the enemy and et tried from behind hit him with an right slash fail hit me dt or TK no consequences and i do not wand crying every time to Players or Admins for every time i get Team killed or Team damaged than thats wy an Accidentally Kill ends up with an Kick or Ban!!Yes there are many accidentally TKs but because of wat Players are still not careful enough by Playing than no Punishment!!

2.There are to many Team kills i seen matches with over 20 TKs i dont know wy you guys Fear a Punishment system do no TK and dont get Punished Easy thing!

Yes i do Sometimes TK too but i would dont Mind 500Gold and 10000 XP Punishment because i earn Gold and XP if i am alive and Dead

3. an Minus Multiplication pfff that doesn't work if the TKer has already x1 wat should he get an x0 to make him rejoin and escape a Punishment!

And an Kicking or Banning is no more needed because he get his Punishment and if he go ahead with it he end as an poor man!

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:41:22 am »
As i sayd i like Nighttime and never would see it Completed removed but also i sayd it hurts the eyes if its to long night!But for me it doesn't seems thats to much night atm!

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:20:35 pm »
I like Night Maps and Ninjas surly too!(BTW: I am Archer and like Night Maps no one see my arrows appear!^^)

But Playing too long by night hurts the eyes!

General Discussion / Re: TK PENTALY
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:15:05 pm »
If you get TKed, 1000g gets transfered from the TKer's account to yours. This will lead to a whole new kind of jump-naked-in-friendly-swings farming :lol:

Good thinking like heee i am here pls Kill me i need that Cash??^^

Suggestions Corner / Re: We need back Penalty immediately!
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:11:54 pm »
Best TK penalty would be reseting the TKers multiplier back to 1, like a defeat.

Thats no Punishment if he has already x1 that means like uhhh we have x1 lets slash like an Berserker!

But i am glad to hear an statement to that important Theme^^

Suggestions Corner / Re: Assassin Dagger (One thrust One kill)
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:01:21 pm »
Wat is with the 200 Pierce damage when he turns around in the last second??

General Discussion / Re: TK PENTALY
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:58:44 pm »
FF should be on 300% refelctive  :twisted:

No FF should 300% reflective and a TK should erase your Char...boring no we need Punishment no Mirror shit!

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