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Messages - Templar_Benjen

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:17:05 pm »
Arrogancy , lies and hypocrisy all around this admin. who said that freidturtle was honest? dude you got it all wrong, he might be nice to his friends of course,  it is a feeling they get when they used to be admins after 4 fuking years of playing you know... they get to be friends like this krems ass-licker retarded who thinks he's funny trolling all games, and they will always side with his friends no matter what, they need no reason to ban someone but some bunch of bullshit or excuses... Did i TK someone? not even that. Christ anyone in this game never tked? bullshit and hypocrisy, he didn't ever talk to me before bann or warn, he just instant banning after saying "enjoy ban" (arrogancy) , and i didn't even killed him , it was a single hit .

I saw you teamhitting some guy at the start of a round. You immediately turned around to do it again, but this time I was there. You bumped me while swinging your sword, and you just missed me with it.
Bullshit, the only thing true is i did teamhit ONCE the retard krems-guy because he was spam-punching some PEASANT, you know how much damage does a punch to a peasant??? well, i did less damage to him than he did to that peasant i know that for sure but you would never ban zottlmarsch because he is friend of yours.

 I don't even know his name and never met him before that day so you can guess how pathetic and nonsense this ban is.

And do not bother telling me i will not get unbanned with this kind of responses because i know so, i 've seen all the unban essays and all are a bunch of beggars , not asking, begging to play a game.

That is the power some admins have in this game and  i came here to report his behaviour not my unban because

Now you're acting like this and expect me to unban you?..
After the injust ban, the admin expects to be ass-licked of course,  why wouldn't he expect that?  i 've seen some of the unban essays and the players no longer ask to be unbanned, they BEG for it,... in 4 years admins get used to beggars and players get used to beg that is why no one here understand the kind of language i am using.
Well i use this kind of language because  i will never respect someone who does not respect me, i don't care if he's admin or the USA president .

I ain't licking your ass freidturtle, i don't mind your power , as i said, i didn't come here to get unbanned but to tell you how big mistake you've made, and i laugh at you trying to explain yourself it with your bullshit and even more this zottlmarsh nervous as shit spaming with his friend HESKEYTIME all over the thread cos he knows he ain't right in anything

you gave no single proof from the log of this " bad behaviour" that deserves an instant ban without a warning not a bunch of made up  bullshit .

You aren't impartial, so you suck as admin face it. That is my message, unban someone else.


EU (Official) / Re: gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 05:28:08 pm »
Why would someone Quote their own post and repost it 20 seconds later?

EU (Official) / Re: gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 05:27:39 pm »
you're all right about the insults, that doesn't help to get redeemed.

The truth is i don't want to be redeemed of some injust ban, that is why i do not care about your bullshit or the kind of language i use

EU (Official) / Re: gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 02:26:41 am »
Wow, How many lies can you fit in one post
you tell me about it man ;)

Nice fuking bullshit man, keep trolling in game when you're bored and get people banned ;) i am sure freid turtle would never Ban you, he's just the kind of admin i described up there, knows SHIT and judges without knowing SHIT and bans without knowing SHIT, hungerbans .

The last time i come here i won't discuss bullshit , i have better things to do .

i bet you anything i have less teamkills than you, yet i've been banned for nothing and you ain't

EU (Official) / gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:58:43 am »
I've been banned by some krems admin. (don't remember the name of this guy and i can't enter the game to see his name because he banned me)

All of sudden at the start of a round he and some other krems teamhit my horse and destroyed my shield while being in the same team without a single previous talk ever in my life with him (they were trolling around and i DIDNT complain, not a single word), ... also he was teamhiting other players of course,...
 2 rounds after i hit him ONCE because he was punching some peasant and he BANS me.

This is Crpg guys, some nerd who's been playing this game for 4 years some day he's bored as hell, he starts trolling and he gets a teamhit ONCE as a warning to stop trolling and focus on the game, and right after he bans me saying "enjoy ban".
Usual arrogancy and hypocresy from some admins of this game.

This hunger for bans, looking for any reason to ban the one that does not follow your fking trolling games makes me sick, i don't care how much days i've been banned, i cannot even know but that doesn't matter because i won't play another single second in this community who let such hypocrit ban me for no reason, because he wasn't the only admin on.

The only good admin i've met is FIN and sadly he belongs to the same faction than this bastard .

Remember guys, ADMINS can troll, NON-ADMINS cannot stop them trolling, but NON-ADMINS can get banned!! so fuk it, join admins.. it ain't hard, more than 50% of the players are!

now come here and drop your bullshit to try to explain the ban, i will laugh hardly at your FKING BULLSHIT .

Okay i read a lot of lies here, TOTAL bullshit from 2 friends
We were like 8 players playing , and these 2 people who are reporting me were delaying EVERY round because polling was disabled and there was no admin on , there was no way to kick them.
Both running around dressed like peasants to be faster and survive the last and when they were the 2 only men alive they were delaying with  punchs/nudges/kicks to each other while others were watching (2-3 mins every round....),  so yes i got fed up like some other people and we tked this guy twice so he couldn't delay more ( i would have tked the other one too but he was at the other team)...

after that we exchanged some words and they left the server yelling "OMG IM GOING TO THE FORUMS CONSIDER YOURSELF BANNED +some rage insults"

Please don't trust these bored kids ,if you were there you would notice that they knew each other and they were trolling together...

By the way there was no one from the clan SoA, SoA_CallumSee wasn't there so it's just another big fat lie...

I think forcing the whole server to watch them jumping/running/punching for 2 mins each round should be banneable and not tking some delayer twice....

Closed Requests / Re: Templar_Benjen
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:59:29 pm »
Okay , i see you moved my wrongpost to here, i just wrote another one so you can delete it...

Closed Requests / Unban request
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:54:59 pm »
I've been banned today early morning for messing with some pecores after they insulted my faction. I joined in with some alt to mess with pecores and do some throwing at them (enemies or allies) and before the map changed i got banned so please unban meh i won't do that again, next time i will come to forums to whine against other people's attitude! .

Banned char : Babaria

Closed Requests / Templar_Benjen
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:38:07 pm »
I was banned today early morning for messing with some smartmouth pecores who insulted my faction, i never used cheat,autoblock or anything i 've been playing this account for a month more or less.

Banned char: Babaria

Strategus Issues / Re: Faction tab empty
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:01:06 pm »
Thank you!

Strategus Issues / Faction tab empty
« on: September 11, 2013, 02:50:19 pm »
Hi , i am having an issue in strategus and im quite lost ...

I'm trying to join a strategus faction  but my faction tab is empty all the time, i can't see any faction, i tried with 3 different browsers and nothing seems to work...

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

anyone knows why this could be?

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