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Messages - Riztikhein

Pages: [1]
Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Discussion about admins in EU servers
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:00:00 pm »
I agree with you, you're right. But banning for this is nonsense. This should only be kick because I just fucked up, I didn't mean to troll or leech and it was obvious I didn't. Or we should ban people for doing mistakes?  :cry:

Game Admin Feedback / [EU] Discussion about admins in EU servers
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:24:50 pm »

First of all I am not sure whether this is right or wrong to post here, but I find this the best place for this, I hope it is the right place and if not then I am sorry. If you find it disturbingly long then well, sh*t, this is a discussion thread, yes?

So recently I got banned in EU DTV server 7 by an admin whose name I do not remember. I got pollbanned because I was said to block the shieldwall. Well I did nothing bad to them that they should have kicked or banned me and the people on the server who wanted to ban me were just a bunch of bigoted lunatics. When I had one time accidentally hit someone, I apologyzed and was not rude. But they said "blablabla you keep fucking up the shieldwall all the time I guess" <--- THAT IS REASON TO GODDAMN BAN ME?!?!?!?!!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL!?!??! I WAS NOT TEAMKILLING OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I WAS PLAYING AND HAD A FEW MISTAKES, I THOUGHT BEING A BAD PLAYER WAS ALLOWED HUH.

The situation could have been ended with just talking! Why the f*** do you have to f****** kick or ban all the time? If you say you don't have to and this is voluntary then you are braking common sense rules of kicking/banning!

In NA servers there is NO such problems! People are not kicking and banning all the time!

If you really want to have a strong community for this mod, do not be a bully to members. What ever you do to me for example, this is true. For example, minecraft servers have lost tons of members because of bully admins and idiotic rules restricting freedom of speech!

This is really frustrating, I just want to play on the servers but NO there are always some angry mobs and bully admins who just want to ban or kick you just because they personally do not like you!

P.S. And if you think that it is not normal that I am writing in such a manner like this then well, it is really damn sh***y to be banned and kicked for very small things which could just be talked through! And all because of some power abuse! An admin should not be like "OH YOU DESTROYED ITEM BOX FOR THE FIRST TIME AND YOU DID NOT KNOW IT WAS A BAD THING? WELL USUALLY I BAN FOR THIS AND FOR 1 HOUR BUT I GUESS YOU DESERVE ALMOST 24 HOURS! HAA BURN!!!"

Please give feedback of what you think of this and this situation and if you think I am an idiot. If I see I am an idiot, I will admit it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please make a rules list!
« on: June 27, 2015, 07:51:18 pm »
Well they could make it destroyable in strat battles only then. If possible, make two seperate item boxes, one destroyable and one non-destroyable?

EDIT: By the way, I have been banned well over an hour now. Ugh what a bully kind of admin!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please make a rules list!
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:30:30 pm »
Well, I think it should go to the rules list (no destroying of item box).

You see, the problem with "common sense rules" is that common sense may vary DRASTICALLY. One person might think that we should ban for everything and the other may think that no banning should ever happen for maximum happiness for everyone. So, stiff rules should be written down about as many things as possible.

It often happens that the admin is having a bad day and acts a bit too harshly on players because of that and that is not fair, of course admin is a person, but there should be more... defence for players so that admins couldn't abuse easily. Oh what am I doing, ranting here, no one is ever going to take note anyway...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please make a rules list!
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:12:50 pm »
How to know for how long am I banned? Ffs if I am banned for longer than 30 minutes for this, then FVCK, it would be WAY too much.

I still think there should be a rules list in-game because it would be much easier to get the rules, no? I have never ever ever seen the box being destroyed by bots, so that just makes this ability useless. And players may accidentally destroy it too, that makes punishing very difficult because we want to be fair after all.

EDIT: Oh, I read they can only ban for 1 hour or temporarily.  :oops: I hope it wasn't the second one...  :(

Suggestions Corner / Please make a rules list!
« on: June 27, 2015, 05:59:30 pm »

Recently I was banned for destroying the item box in EU DTV server.   :oops: I DID NOT know it was bannable because there was no notification anywhere! I believe there should be a rules list so people could know what to do and what not to do.

And WHY is the item box destroyable???  :mad: If you do not want it to be destroyed by players, you find it annoying, then you should make it undestroyable = problem solved!  :idea:

Because really, the rules stuff is confusing. After all, we all want to play on the server.  :wink:

P.S. Also, I do not know about freedom-of-speech-matters. For example, are players allowed to swear, how much is too much etc etc etc.

Thank you

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