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Messages - GOXSTRAP

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: Starting a new clan?
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:34:20 pm »
Ok, thanks so much, i have a TS3 server, so i could use that to my advantage....

Faction Halls / Re: Starting a new clan?
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:00:32 pm »
Ok, thanks so much for the info....just another question though, what is the best way of recruiting new members into the clan?

Faction Halls / Starting a new clan?
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:34:26 pm »
Hi all, i was just wondering if it would be possible for myself and my friend to start a new clan? are we allowed to do this? and if so, what do we do to start off with? do we simply declare that our clan exists, or are there a few things we have to do prior to that? Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks.

Goxstrap and Co. (thats not going to be the name of our clan by the way, we were hoping for the clan prefix "Comrade_")

Hello guys, just wondering, is my probation period finished yet? and sorry i havent been on this week, i just got With Fire And Sword, and was playing on that a lot. Im a bit bored of it now though, so im back to cRPG.

Thanks for your time dude.

Could i join the shogunates? I got bored of my last char so i retired early (25) for the second time, and decided to try and become a 2H sword, and throwing star dude shogun type thing, guy. Seriously though ive played on the shogunate server a lot and realy liked what i some guy metioned tentacle porn wensdays?.....anyway, bottom line is i am a low level, with a lot of money (50k for me is a lot), and though it would be cool if i could join you dudes with the name GOXSTRAP, would that be shibby for you guys?

Closed Requests / DEADMONKEY_2 Unban request.
« on: April 25, 2011, 01:02:13 am »
My friend Jed (DEADMONKEY_2) recently got my brothers account banned for, well, being an idiot quite frankly. Him and i where messing around, attacking each other as a joke kind of thing (he and i where talking on steam at the time and we got a bit over exited), and i think some of the admins took this the wrong way. He was also being a general idiot in the chat, saying various things of a varing nature of immiturity, and general, you may be wondering why he is not writing this, and i am. Well the answer is simple. He is an idiot. Unfortunately (and as i have said), the account he was using was in fact my brothers.....he wont be happy with me.....But, rest assured, if you do unban this player, Jed will not be playing as him. But for the sake of all that is holy! please! save me from my brothers wrath! (he bought a new cricket bat the other day......)

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