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Messages - Mike_The_Samurai

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Faction Halls / TheInfernals
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:10:49 pm »
Hello, Guys just Posting a Thread on my New Faction/Clan. The Infernals, We will be A Far Eastern Clan, So Strange Armor mostly. There will be Two Parts to it, The Samurai part of it, and the Archer part of it. I wiill post requirements and such later. Applications will be Open Somewhere in July or August. It's Gonna take Me Awhile to Set the Armoury and Bank up. Anyways Look Below for Stat and Ability Requirements. Also Classes and Ways to Rank Up.


Stat Requirements to Join:
Strength:12                     Max:21
    Agility:6                      Max:18

Ability Requirements to Join: (If theres a none don't put it there ever)

Weapon Master:2             Max:6
Athletics:2                       Max:6 
Riding:None                     Max:None
Iron Flesh:4                     Max:7
Shield:None                     Max:None
Horse Archery:None         Max:None
Power Strike:4                 Max:7
Power Draw:2                  Max:7
Power Throw:None           Max:None

Two Handed:50

The Samurai Part will be Arching as Well but not as much. Our tactic will be try and Flank. If were seen Then Run. Then try Again. If they're in Pursuit were gonna Turn Around and Fire, Then Charge


Stat Requirements to Join:
Strength:6          Max:18
Agility:12            Max:21

Abilities Required to Join:
WM:2                     Max:7
Ath:4                     Max:7
Rid:None                Max:None
IF:2                       Max:6
Shield:None           Max:None
HA:None                Max:None
PS:2                      Max:6
PD:4                      Max:7
PT:None                 Max:None


Ranks for Samurai:

Recruit(rec)- Can't do a thing
Ninja(Nin)-Can't do a Thing
Guard(G)-Cant do a Thing
Officer(Off)-Can lead A Event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead
Senior(Sen)-Can lead A event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead
Mentor(Men)-Can lead A event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead/Trains Soldiers
Master(M)-Can lead A event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead/Trains Soldiers/Can kick people out of clan with All 3 GM's approvement/
GrandMaster-(GM)Lead A event /Trains Soldiers/Can kick people out of clan with 2 other GM's approvement/

Ranks for Archer:

ArcherRecruit(ARec)-Can't do a thing
Archer(Arc)-Cant do a Thing
Bowman(BM)-Cant do a Thing
MarksMen(MM)-Can lead A Event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead
ArcherSenior(ASen)-Can lead A event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead
ArcherMentor(AMen)-Can lead A event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead/Trains Soldiers
ArcherMaster(AMas)-Can lead A event if A higher rank isn't on, or Wants to Lead/Trains Soldiers/Can kick people out of clan with All 3 GM's approvement/
ArcherGrandMaster(AGM)-Lead A event /Trains Soldiers/Can kick people out of clan with 2 other GM's approvement/

We wont exxactly have a surplus of armor so if you guys could get your own armor that would help, this is what your required to wear and use in your rank (IDC what you wear outside of battles)

Recruit - Head(Light Strange Helmet), Chest(Light Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Light Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Dadao), Ranged Weapon(ShortBow), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

Ninja - Head(Light Strange War Mask), Chest(Light Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Light Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Miaodao), Ranged Weapon(Bow), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

Guard - Head(Strange Helmet), Chest(Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Miaodao), Ranged Weapon(Nomad Bow), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

Officer - Head(Strange War Mask), Chest(Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Katana), Ranged Weapon(Tartar Bow), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

Senior - Head(Heavy Strange Helmet), Chest(Heavy Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Heavy Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Katana), Ranged Weapon(Tartar Bow), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

Mentor - Head(Heavy Strange Helmet), Chest(Heavy Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Heavy Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Katana), Ranged Weapon(Tartar Bow), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

Master - Head(Heavy Strange Helmet), Chest(Heavy Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Heavy Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Nodachi), Ranged Weapon(Yumi), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

GrandMaster- Head(Heavy Strange War Mask), Chest(Heavy Strange Armor), Hands(Light Strange Gloves), Legs(Heavy Strange Greaves), Melee Weapon(Nodachi), Ranged Weapon(Yumi), Ammunition(Tartar Arrows)

NA (Official) / Un-Ban Request For Mike
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:16:55 am »
My name is Mike_The_Samurai in game name Mike_The_Samurai, and i would like to be unbanned. I wass banned for TKing a clan called WWB in the NA_cRPG_Server_7 playing Defend The Virgin. These guys were trolling hard Killing virgin when we were high up in waves, killing my horse when i got one, and sometimes they even Killed a teammate when they were protecting her by standing in front of her. So, I hope you guys unban me, i dont know who i was banned by, and i hope it's not a permanent one.

General Discussion / Re: Na_cRPG_Server_7
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:15:54 pm »
Honestly I think your right. My friends however won't play on any other server.;(

General Discussion / Na_cRPG_Server_7
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:11:50 pm »
Im gonna say this i used to play on the Na_cRPG_Server_7 alot. Until the WWB trolls got on and i got banned for TKing them, they would kill virgin attack Teammates and now i got banned because i had enough. So i'm putting this out to try and see if an admn would see this, so i could get unbanned but i doubt that. So. just to let you know i won't be able to talk to my friends on there anymore because they dont have steam. Like Unista, TeutonicPaladin, and ithkavar they were my Best friends on there, so admin i hope you see this and see how bad trollers have come to this and i hope u cee ths and unban me. TYhs is mike the samurai sgning off. Bye guys forever :(.

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