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Messages - Spoony

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Bannerlord Beta Sign-Ups
« on: February 15, 2018, 01:48:31 am »
Gotcha suckers ;)

Kingdom Come Deliverance... is...well.. firstly, it isn't M&B OBVS!...and whilst buggy... it's still enjoyable.



General Discussion / Re: Goodbye cRPG
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:58:53 am »
I quit long ago when the first archer patch messed it all up, huge reticle and was told a hotfix was coming... but didn't care, I needed an excuse to get a life again lol - I've read the latest patch notes and omg..... so glad I got out when I did! haha..  Look at the speed nerf on the bows! :O lol!!!  Fun > Realism.

You'll soon realise there are other games out there that are just as enjoyable.  This game was dying a slow and horrible death and patches like these just accelerate it.

Chivalry is garbage but I've found something far better than cRPG.

Give it a week and you'll think, I'd love to play cRPG but then you'll re-read the patch notes, give it a miss and that'll be the end of your love affair. :-)

General Discussion / /quitting cRPG in light of the new patch :-)
« on: July 23, 2014, 04:38:27 pm »
Hey all,

To be fair, I've been on holiday for like a month (South Africa & Egypt) so haven't been playing regularly anyway.  However, due to the latest patch where archery is totally broken (no free respec?  :S  So I could've played a different class or something?) I've decided to call it a day.

I'd like to think I made many friends and had some great times staying up til stupid O'clock most nights....  I would do a shout out but there are simply too many to name - if I've spoken to you - at all - then you'll know who I'm talking about lol.

Basically all of EU2 - thank you so much and hope you have fun until your days are done :-)

HRE - thank you all, you made my stay most welcome and have been the best clan since I played professionally (Game: Rogue Spear - Clan: NvS {eNviouS})

Oh and during my trip to South Africa I was filmed by Aqua Vision who film Shark Week (Great White shark diving) therefore check me out on the Discovery channel in August (11th I think) - see if you can tell who I am?) :-)

Love you all!

Spoony_HRE out.

Announcements / Re:
« on: July 23, 2014, 04:25:45 pm »
Wow, this patch has f**ked archers royally lol.  :-)

In light of this patch I'm leaving cRPG - many will say "yay" I'm sure - but I loved playing with all of you! (that sounds so wrong!) :) (although I haven't played for a while as I was in South Africa for 2 weeks (Great White shark documentary - Shark Week in August I'll be on TV lelz) and Egypt for another 2 weeks (chilling with gf)).

General Discussion / Re: Loom giveaway
« on: June 20, 2014, 07:33:33 am »
7220 - don't go dude ;(

Yeah count me in - Spoony = [insert multiple explicit word here] archer.  PM moi.

No TS as I CBA..... and other men chat me up cuz im female.

General Discussion / Re: Remove the fucking conquest maps from EU2
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:57:48 pm »
Conquest is quite lame without the numbers... Most people who have x1 will quit or go to another server. 

As for population.... 60-80 people at 10.30???  I logged on around 10pm most nights the last two weeks... It's more 10-30 and by 11 the server is dead.

Need to encourage players to return.... Perma double xp?  Lol

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 31/33 builds more help needed!
« on: June 02, 2014, 01:42:42 am »
I would comment - but I've been told my build sucks (honestly! by some random called Faerie... lol!) and I'm hated too for offering advice!

Sorry! :-)

EU (Official) / Ban Knitler_The_Grey
« on: May 02, 2014, 12:45:42 am »
Reason for ban request.

I TH him accidently and before I could say sorry, he reports.
I said "wtf@report?"
Then he insults me
I explain that TH's happen and it was an accident + I insult him calling him a c***s**ker (yes I know I shouldn't stoop to his level)
Then he insults again - saying he'll kill me irl and f*** my body parts
Then follows up by TKing me right at start of game.
I tell him he'll be perma banned
He responds with "Faps retard probably gonna do one week"

Screenshots below

Image below of Knitler_The_Grey threatening to kill me IRL and then follows up with a TK.... as you can see the game just started with the player balance at top of screen.

Image below of Knitler_The_Grey responds to my message of him being perma banned and says "Faps retard probably gonna do one week"

Announcements / Re:
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:10:18 am »
Why the archery nerf? :S

Archery was about right and could compete for valour (well until you broke valour).

Archery needed a weapon master nerf not a dmg nerf if anything since the agility buff.

Its working now... fix is in place by looks of things :)

Thanks whoever :)

cRPG Technical problems / cRPG Installer - can't install cRPG - no mirrors
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:46:01 am »

Trying to install cRPG v3.0.4.4 on my laptop (as I'm away from home) and it's not working :( :( :(

"No mirrors left?"

Full log below:-

[23:45:35] Downloading version info
[23:45:36] Updating (v3.0.4.4)
[23:45:36] Downloading mirror list
[23:45:36] Downloading file list
[23:45:37] Using mirror
[23:45:37] Downloading mirror version info
[23:45:37] Downloading scenes.txt
[23:45:37] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[23:45:37] Mirror 1 tries left
[23:45:37] Downloading scenes.txt
[23:45:37] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[23:45:37] Removing mirror
[23:45:37] Using mirror
[23:45:37] Downloading mirror version info
[23:45:37] Mirror version mismatch (v3.0.4.3 vs. v3.0.4.4)
[23:45:37] Mirror 1 tries left
[23:45:37] Downloading scenes.txt
[23:45:37] Downloading wse/wselib.dll
[23:45:37] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[23:45:37] Mirror 1 tries left
[23:45:37] Downloading wse/wselib.dll
[23:45:38] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[23:45:38] Removing mirror
[23:45:38] No mirrors left


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Cannot connect to a game
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:14:14 am »
Same here...

Closed Requests / Ban Request
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:01:47 am »
1. Name of your character involved - Spoony
2. Name of offending character(s) - Oenomaus_Drago_Doctore
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible - EU2 between 23:00 and 23:52
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.  -  He nudged me when I was trying to shoot enemy (I wasn't blocking ladder, just providing covering fire in open ground vs archers attacking our troops.) so I reported... then the constant th'ing until 4/5 for every map... probably 3 maps until i just lost the will to live, quit and came here...
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*  Because I reported him for nudging me when I was taking a shot.
6. Multiple Screenshots - see attached.
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** I dunno if anyone saw it.... or witnessed it... but there was a heck of a lot of players online - I submitted kick vote but community didn't back me up... probably because various polls were started for minor instances.

I'm not normally one to take time and effort to come here, but this was getting stupid... eventually he stood in way of where i was trying to aim.

Hope the SS's work....

Thanks bud!!  Really appreciate it!

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