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Messages - turkgunner44

Pages: [1]
Aber ihr hab keine Schuld.
Eure Eltern haben bei der Erziehung versagt.

Dumme Kinder

Mount and Blade is a super game.
because people like you not help efficiency, going morale down.
pls not spam !!!
pls help seriously !!!

this is not the spam topic!
Please respond only if useful.

yes my English is not good, do you think that you're cool now?
just because your English is better than their other?
You're a mobber, think about it.
This is not good of you to bully other people just because they are different from you
In this case, I can not so good English, and you think that is your chanse to prove us how cool you are.
You're making fun of my English.
Then you feel cool because your English is better.
But in reality you're a little bob, the other must make ready to feel good.

mobber like you need to be banned.

I think I'm right here, if I'm wrong here, please do not cut: D
I wanted to say modest, that I and my little brother playing in the same house.
and we have the same IP.

I (Bannerlord_is_coming_soon) and my brother (AN_LamaWolf) are playing M&B Warband.
So we use the same IP Address i want to say this because i  and my brother dont want get banned.

Thanks and regards

General Discussion / Ich und mein Bruder spielen im gleichen Haus
« on: May 24, 2013, 10:35:02 pm »
Ich glaube hier bin ich richtig, wenn ich hier falsch bin bitte nicht hauen :D
Ich wollte bescheid sagen, dass ich und mein kleiner Bruder im gleichen Haus spielen.
und wir haben die gleiche IP.
Danke und Gruß

English is bad sry

I (dein name) and my brother (AN_LamaWolf) are playing M&B Warband. So we use the same IP Address i want to say this because i  and my brother dont want get banned.
I think I'm right here, if I'm wrong here, please do not cut: D
I wanted to say modest, that I and my little brother playing in the same house.
and we have the same IP.

Thanks and regards

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