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Messages - Insance_Sly

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: Arab_eater's unban request
« on: April 09, 2016, 03:03:40 am »
Im sorry but how is my situation different to any other accidental teamkill? two days is extremely over the top. the amount of times accidents like this happens and goes unnoticed is unreal, so why should i be treated differently? I think 2 days for this is outrageous, and a mere accidental teamkill shouldnt be taken this far...

EU (Official) / Re: Arab_eater's unban request
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:19:24 am »
Austriano banned you for 2 days - it expires on 10th of April, 16:41:36 server time.

Okay, well this is an unban request. If you could tell me if I am to be accepted or denied would be much more useful and actually makes sense.

EU (Official) / Re: Arab_eater's unban request
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:38:17 pm »
You had tked me on purpose after I killed guy who were fighting with you.
I was sure that I made screen but cannot find it. Anyway Austri saw that

Oh yes i remember, sorry i thought you hit me with your sword on purpose when we were fighting that person, so i hit you back. I obviously didnt know you were so low that you would have died, i just hit you in return to what you did, not expecting to kill you or anything

EU (Official) / Arab_eater's unban request
« on: April 08, 2016, 10:32:14 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: arab_eater
2. Time and server, as accurately as possible, in order to assess the situation properly: EU1, around about 5pm GMT
3. Why you think you deserve to be unbanned ahead of time: I shield bashed someone, and have been banned for what I presume is 1 day 1 hour, which i think is unnecessary as people shield bash/nudge each other all of the time, and i have been banned for doing it to someone for more than 4 hours now?

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