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Messages - Motorsheep

Pages: [1]
General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones.
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:45:31 pm »
Not enough sex though.



I'm a lazy bastard, and probably dumb too for preferring easy reads. So I found the books a little exhausting to follow, what with all the different characters and parallel story lines, but the series is doing quite a good job in that respect. I do need a few things explained here and there by people who read the book, but that's also because I'm not a native speaker and I don't always entirely understand what they're saying.
I do love the accents though...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:25:04 pm »
I play a thrower myself as a side char and I think it's a little overpowered. Reducing ammo would go a long way, I think. E.g. 2 per slot for axes instead of 4 would make a huge difference in my opinion.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« on: February 01, 2011, 10:51:17 pm »
I suck at Warband (137 to 432 k/d ratio on my main char), and when I made a thrower this past weekend I was suddenly killing people left and right with my throwing axes before I was even level 15.

I hate to admit it, but something's got to be wrong with that.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Upkeep on the up and up?
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:15:56 pm »

We're defenitely not playing the same game. I run around with 30k equipment and can hardly upkeep it.

Same here. I can usually maintain my 20k gear, and I make a good amount of gold when my team is on a winning streak, i.e. 5x multipliers. But my gold level stagnates or even drops when I'm on 1x.
I can only imagine what it would be like if I added another ~15k for an average horse.

I understand that upkeep is SUPPOSED to make it harder to ride around as a tincan on a plated charger, but the thing is that as an individual, I don't have a great influence on the money I make.
I.e. if I'm in a shit team, I can be as good as I want, I'm going to lose money anyway.

Imho personal achievement should be factored into earnings (and possibly xp). In that respect, the old system was better. (Though I understand that it made tactical maneuvers next to impossible due to the "huddle bonus".)

Would it be possible to factor dealt damage (yours and possibly that of people in your immediate vicinity) into earnings and xp?

Ah, thanks for the hint. I'll use my friend's steam account then =)


a friend of mine asked me to take his char through a few rounds, but I can't seem to properly join a game.
Here is what I did:

I made a char with the same name on my PC. Then I logged in to with this char name and my friend's password. Then I started M&B and joined a game.

This used to work for us in an older version of c-rpg, but now when I join a game with my friend's character, my inventory is empty.

Is there a way around this problem or am I doing something wrong, or is "remote" playing impossible now without actually copying your profile to the other PC?

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