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Messages - Thorvic (old)

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: [ban]amanda, SimplyStupid,_Richard_
« on: August 02, 2013, 01:09:14 am »
+1 for warn/ban _Richard_ and SimplyStupid : _Richard_ insulted me when i made the ban request for  brt_the_Dawg_ and SimplyStupid has initiate a ragepoll against do_ob (no valid reason)

I'm agree with you !!

Closed Requests / Ban Brt_The_Dawg_
« on: August 01, 2013, 01:15:20 pm »
Reason : insulting (i have the screenshot), teamattacking (my game has crashed and i didn't have the time for take the screenshot)
When ? Today, 13:00 +2 GMT

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He called me bitch several times, and he insulted do_ob too, a chinese player.

Forum Français / Re: Des personnes chez orange?
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:23:12 pm »
jacouille, je te prie de fermer ta grande gueule, tu me casse littéralement les burnes.

De 1, la raison de ta défense de Darklolz est pourtant simple : tu es son comparse, cela ne fait aucun doute, vu les propos que tu tiens sur le post de la ban request.

De 2, Sur la ban request, a chaque fois qu'on te disait de lire ce sujet, tu changeais de sujet (comme par hasard...)

Sur ces considérations, nous allons faire tout notre possible pour ne plus revoir vos sales tronches.


P.S :

Who said it ? you and all the other french who came on this topic ...
Just because we don't join your french clans like pecores or ODE we are trolls ?  You can't speak in the name of all the community of EU_4. If you and your band of friends don't like us, just ignore us, but don't try to make us banned for some stupid reasons. Enjoy that great mod without disturbing over people.

You really seems to be neurotic, so i'll stop arguing with you now.

On n'accepte pas les sous merdes chez nous, désolé.

P.S :si c'est juste pour troller, alors arretez, vous risquez gros...

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Darklolz
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:56:07 pm »
So, this is why you play both under the same banner (the druzhina one) and the same gear on eu 4 ? Stop lying in this thread.

Don't you see that you are known as trolls : people who play on eu 4 would love to see you both banned. Ask everyone who know those to say what they know about "Darlolz", and they will say that he should get perma banned. Just wait those people post here.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Darklolz
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:33:05 pm »
The fact you defend darklolz and his childish acts like this proves that you are his friend who trolled with him, and should be banned too.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Darklolz
« on: July 30, 2013, 08:34:35 pm »

This is one of the most hilarious post i've ever read :D

1. I'm not Darkolz, and not one of his friends

2. Darklolz's post you quoted was just full of humour, i laughed a lot reading it^^ But i realize you can't understant it, since you seems to be under 15 years old =)

3. Ta traduction en anglais est dégeulasse, soi dit en passant.

4.  Is that ... rage ?

So this is what i think about your topic : Stop wasting your time, and admin time, making stupid ban request just because you can't contain your rage. And stop trying to justify your behaviour by providing stupid screenshots or quotes unlinked with the topic (even if this really funny^^) or calling all your french friends to flood the topic with useless comments =)

You should be muted instead of Darklolz =)


Ok, did you even read the topic in french forum before threatening algarn like that ? His ban request is justified by screenshots, and about the fact darklolz is muted, he is a kid in game, and on forums too (seems like this at least).

And stop complaining that he brings his French friends to post comments, they are not all

Closed Requests / Re: Unban why not?
« on: July 30, 2013, 07:28:56 pm »
I'm agree with Thassadar, i think he understood the perma ban reason and i think let him banned isn't a good thing

And he is one of the most skilled players in this game, if he get unbanned, it will be so great !

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Darklolz
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:28:33 am »
If i can tell one thing for defend this ban request, darklolz has trolled on the french forums several times, he is just a stupid kid (he said on french forums he was God, everyone have to pray him and anything else...)

+1 by me Algarn

Forum Français / Re: Des personnes chez orange?
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:53:43 pm »
Hé mais c'est qui ce gros ksos la ? Putain, c'est devenu n'importe quoi ce sujet...

Closed Requests / Unban me
« on: May 04, 2013, 11:15:51 am »
unban me please, i think i've been banned for AFK, but at this moment, i was playing on the EU 2, and I had to help quickly my street neighbour for his connection. I know" AFKing" isn't a good thing, but it's the first time i'm banned, and I hope you (admins) will do something for unban me, i'll be very grateful.

Thank you in advance.

(sorry for my english if i made errors^^)

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