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Messages - Power_Ranger_Blue

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Closed Requests / Unban request
« on: March 07, 2013, 05:32:26 pm »
Hi everybody!

Yestereday I recieved a ban for leeching on the "EU max lvl 20 server". After talking with my friend (which I played with the night I got banned) I understood that I got banned for leeching on the server. I have clearly broken a rule stated on the forum:

No leeching
 NOT OK: Running around without no weapon. Not contributing is leeching, naked runners don't contribute. This point does not apply to Rageball, as long as you are actually playing the game.

I was running around with no weapon. And I was warned by someone in the chat, actually several times.

So Why should i receive a unban?

Personally, I think thers a quite natural explanation to my foolishness. First off, Why did I not wear a weapon? The reason was, actually,, I had no weapon in my inventory i could use, only an axe I needed a few more strenght in order to use. All the other weapons i started with ( yes I was playing at a very low lvl) I sold in the same process as i bought a new axe. But why did I not wait with selling them untill I could use my new weapon?  I was abit quick here. I though I could use the new axe at once (since it was so cheap), so why not sell the old (dont have to bugger with bad items lying in inventory).

At the time I was playing I was not aware of the rules on the forum about leeching, which is not good ( on my part). In my defence, I think I'm a polite person and treat people the way I want them to treat me. But ! Ihave now read the rules and and will follow them more strictly.

And lastly, I am sorry that i did not respond to the person confronting me in the chat. I appologize to this person (cannot remember the name). I am not sure why i did not read the chat, but typically I can somtimes be very unobservant. The reason why I know someone tried to contact me in chat was because my (much more observant) friend saw what he wrote. He acutally told me that someone was typing to me (on skype). I was foolish enough to ignore this.

I will try to be a better player by listening to my friends on skype, and above all try to be more observant and answering in the chat when someone tries to contact me! I was not intending to be a leecher, but understand if someone precieved me as someone intentionally making bad gaming expirience for them.

I am sorry, and would really like to return to the CRPG servers!


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