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Messages - Kuthara

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: February 02, 2013, 03:15:01 pm »

I am currently looking for an EU based clan that has a majority of English speakers. Preferably one that uses TeamSpeak however I can also use Ventrillo or Mumble.

For me voice coms are a must in any competitive gaming scene and I am well versed in battle coms.

I can put in a good amount of hours, up to 5 a day or possible more, depending on if I am working or not on the day. I am a relatively new player to cRPG, Still working on my first character but I am dedicated and am capable of holding my own in battles and sieges. I rarely go below an even K/D ratio and tend to hover around 2/1.

I am currently an Archer but am thinking about changing to sword and shield or two handed when I swap over at level 31.

I live in the UK so that sort of timezone would be great.

I am 26 years old. I would prefer for the guild to be made of mostly older gamers. I am not a fan of young kids spitting their dummies out when they loose. 

Thank you,


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