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Messages - Sean31555

Pages: [1] 2
Spam / Re: Should this nerd stay or should he go?
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:00:25 am »
Better be fucking joking with this one, first they come for the banner, and now they're going to get rid of all the siege regulars. Give it a year and we'll have 9 people on battle, 2 on DTV, and siege will have been taken down in favor of hosting a feminist empowerment website.

"How old are you?" is a polite way of saying "you are acting childish." I don't think panos actually wanted to know your age  :oops:

Oh no, now I look like a douchebag for wanting everyone's banners... oh wait that's panos.

Ok, one last question and I`ll go to bed, how old are you?
18 last October, want me to post ID or something? Gotta get that credibility up with the EU Bannerlord.

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:29:54 am »
Alright I just used my calculator skills and came up with 284 people having their banners affected by this one schmuck and a heavy handed admin. Now let me ask you, are the admins here to please you personally Panos, or should they be looking out for the 284 players in those various clans that enjoy their custom banners?

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:24:26 am »
Thanks to the newest site update, we now have the tools to moderate clans, including banners.
Clans with obvious trolling banners (paint-drawn penises, portrait photos...) will lose their rights to a banner, and will have to purchase them again.
Clans with banners that we deem ugly will have the current banner removed. If they upload the same banner again, they will have their banner rights removed.

There are no specific guidelines about what we consider ugly, but as a rule of thumb you should avoid anything that stands really out of place (photos, fluorescent colors, modern fonts, plastic-looking banners...). If you are unsure whether your banner is acceptable, come ask me or other moderators in IRC.
Without even bringing up the fact that this post is from 2012, he only specifically says no penises nor portraits.
Where we get into the gritty details is the definition of an ugly banner, (without posting a picture of Panos) personally I feel that one person isn't a good enough judge to deem whether or not a whole slew of banners should be trashed, as a lot of the banners you pointed out didn't contain any of the BIG NO-NOS

Thanks to the newest site update, we now have the tools to moderate clans, including banners.
Clans with obvious trolling banners (paint-drawn penises, portrait photos...) will lose their rights to a banner, and will have to purchase them again.
Clans with banners that we deem ugly will have the current banner removed. If they upload the same banner again, they will have their banner rights removed.

There are no specific guidelines about what we consider ugly, but as a rule of thumb you should avoid anything that stands really out of place (photos, fluorescent colors, modern fonts, plastic-looking banners...). If you are unsure whether your banner is acceptable, come ask me or other moderators in IRC.

Without even bringing up the fact that this post is from 2012, he only specifically says no penises nor portraits.
Where we get into the gritty details is the definition of an ugly banner, (without posting a picture of Panos) personally I feel that one person isn't a good enough judge to deem whether or not a whole slew of banners should be trashed, as a lot of the banners you pointed out didn't contain any of the BIG NO-NOS

(click to show/hide)
No way bro, way too cyberpunk and shit, are those numbers? They didn't have those back in the medieval ages, below is a much more realistic and immersion safe banner.

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:10:40 am »
implying that the devs are idiots and they didnt know about the retarded banners, they were just to lazy to enforce the rules.

Deal with it.

God, its been a long time since I felt so much butthurt.

Alright guy, because you seem to have poor eyesight (I mean you'd have to if you can't enjoy any of the banners you so graciously pointed out) I'll bold the points that I want you to see.
To start off, I'd like for you to post your banner in the thread, just so I have something to work off when I make us a new banner because FLAME PICKLE BAD.
For your argument, I don't really know what your impressionable EU peasant crowd is doing on NA (leeching DTV? Seriously take back your fucking 13 shield leechers with 300 ping) but I sincerely doubt that an EU newbie is going to stumble into a NA server, spy a custom banner, seize up while simultaneously kicking the power button on his computer and killing the influx of new players.
For your quotes about immersion, if you really care so much, I do believe you can play WITHOUT WSE2 to receive the good'ol Native banners. Couple this with your point about there not being enough banners to go around, seriously? I count 10 right now on the Auctions, and bound to be more going up soon now that many were cut.

Oh and don't worry about me buddy, I'll fling shit with the best of them (as long as I don't immortalize it on a banner, heaven forbid.)

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:05:54 am »
Because there isnt such an option you moron.

Either you play with WSE or without it, all custom banners are visible.
Exactly idiot, turn yours off and curl up into a safe little ball on EU, leave NA banners alone.

General Discussion / Re: Number of players declining
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:04:38 am »
I feel like I`m discussing  with  a 10 year old.

You make Berserkardin look smart.
You just dodge questions and seem to somehow miss every single point I've made against your banner burning crusade.

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:02:08 am »
Are you really that stupid??
Clearly the most retarded in the thread, why, exactly can you not turn off custom banners? No silly banners to be found in the Native pack.

General Discussion / Re: Number of players declining
« on: February 12, 2014, 01:58:33 am »
^ what you fail to understand, is that your banner got removed, not because I wanted it, but because it was breaking certain banner rules.

And trust me, I`m the last person of this community that the devs would satisfy.

Get over it already
Look at the mass opposition in the first and second threads. Yet the second you speak out, a lone neckbear, and some admin (Name not revealed in the messages sent to the leaders of the affected clans which I cant check because no leader on) decides to pull the plug on all of them?

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 01:55:17 am »
The Byzantium clan???

The HRE clan???

The Templars???

The Turks *kapikulu*???

The Russians???

All of them follow a  certain theme..
What the fuck do these tryhards have to do with the enjoyment of NA players? Care to acknowledge why you don't want to turn wse2 off and be rid of all those pesky banners? Because you can't see your banner, nor other peoples (good or bad) just like how I can no longer see mine?

General Discussion / Re: Number of players declining
« on: February 12, 2014, 01:52:37 am »
Maybe the numbers of players decline when a bunch of players get shit on by one guy demanding change, while dozens of others oppose him.

General Discussion / Re: Bring back banner check: Continued
« on: February 12, 2014, 01:46:33 am »
Previous thread continuation, pickle will not rest.
First of all the bear is my forum avatar, not my in game banner  :lol:

What you fail to see is this, everday I see new players on EU1 who try to follow a theme, either that be Middle eastern, Russian, Nordic, Byzantine etc etc.

Having people running around with anime banners or any other crappy banner , A) Fucks the immersion of the game and B) Removes a banner slot, that could`ve been used by a new clan which follows a certain theme.

And no one made me nothing, I just pointed some fucked up banners and a moderator removed them, because guess what, THEY WERE BREAKING THE BANNER RULES.

To start off, I'd like for you to post your banner in the thread, just so I have something to work off when I make us a new banner because FLAME PICKLE BAD.
For your argument, I don't really know what your impressionable EU peasant crowd is doing on NA (leeching DTV? Seriously take back your fucking 13 shield leechers with 300 ping) but I sincerely doubt that an EU newbie is going to stumble into a NA server, spy a custom banner, seize up while simultaneously kicking the power button on his computer and killing the influx of new players.
For your quotes about immersion, if you really care so much, I do believe you can play WITHOUT WSE2 to receive the good'ol Native banners. Couple this with your point about there not being enough banners to go around, seriously? I count 10 right now on the Auctions, and bound to be more going up soon now that many were cut.

Oh and don't worry about me buddy, I'll fling shit with the best of them (as long as I don't immortalize it on a banner, heaven forbid.)

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