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Messages - Alienpope

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: [Unban request] Hanzo_Zan
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:04:26 pm »
All right, thanks! I did get scared for a moment. it was just a poll.

Other / [Unban request] Hanzo_Zan
« on: January 27, 2013, 02:37:21 pm »
So i actually tried the mod yesterday for the first time. I played a little while and then logged off... today i thought i should play some siege. i found one server with two people in it. I joined and as soon i spawned they made a poll about banning me :cry: I didn't have time to catch their names. but i hope you can see it in some sort of logg or whatever. all i rly care about tho is getting unbanned so i can play siege mode :/ this is the server: EU_cRPG_CotgS

It sucks to see people do this and it sucks that i experienced this just after a day of trying the mod.


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