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Messages - Ganon

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General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Will C-Rpg survive the storm?!
« on: November 24, 2011, 03:53:39 pm »
I came back after like 6 months because this game poses more of a challenge than all titles you have mentioned.. i'm not playing much and am surely not nearly at my former level of play (well i'm doing badly only occasionally getting 3:1 k/d and only on maps i know). So i think crpg will be fine, just don't randomly take loom points away pls. That's why i left 6 months ago and that's also why i'm not going to play like i used to. I'll probably even take another break next month and come back in jan/feb. It's a nice game to play wheni'm bored.

Announcements / Re: Char recalculation
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:04:55 pm »
What are you talking about? Only heirlooms are reset, there will be a screen of some kind where you can heirloom your weapons again without retiring. Just like last time, I think the message this time will be:
' Noes! Donkey chadz lost your heirlooms while moving your caravan! But using the golden coins he crapped out of his arse, you can buy an x amount of new ones!'

Heirlooms are being reduced again, and i don't have the will to grind again in this game. If i can logon with my character from time to time and play, that's ok, if i can't and have to rebuild some lost heirlooms, it's not, i don't want to grind 3 times on the same game and the same character.

Announcements / Re: Char recalculation
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:35:52 pm »
Wait i'm almost lvl32, what does that mean now.. i lost the full lvl31-32 because i have to retire ? yeah ok, i'll go grind on some other game bye

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 05, 2011, 12:24:44 pm »
But you see there's no sure way to detect them... Yet

There is, the version i tried wasn't faulty it did block everything, but it is easy to detect so this cheat will be short-lived.

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:59:25 am »
I don't think that this hack will be a big problem for crpg. If someone is spotted with it, he will get a database ban. Risk will be higher than the reward.

It is limited in the sense that in battle, being attacked by multiple players will probably render it useless or even damaging (not going to try this, i'll leave this test to the admins or devs). I have no idea how to spot it other than the crpgwarden spyprogram idea. How can you tell if someone is good at manual blocking, or using the program ? What i know is that my firewall detected it right away and i had to give it permission to hook into the m&b exe, so it isn't a very refined cheat and can easily be busted with a small anticheat program.

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:47:50 am »
No such thing. The only anticheat is VAC, for Steam-based servers. And there is no Steam-based dedicated server available...

Just make one then :D In order to play crpg, we have to execute crpgWarden! lol

Something simple if possible, if not then well, we'll just rely on admins banning cheaters.

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:35:09 am »
The auto-block hack exists and works wonders. I heard it even blocks all kinds of feints.
Ok just had someone test it and use it in front of me, no it doesn't block always but 70% of the time (we're thinking he didn't use the right version or something). But yeah it exists and works :( Enable anticheat pls
I have tried it (naked in an empty server vs a friend). It blocks 100%. Need anticheat.

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:58:35 am »
Video or stfu. If there are such hacks, then enable anticheat.

General Discussion / Re: Combat Speed
« on: May 02, 2011, 08:45:01 pm »
I felt also something is wrong on half the matches i played. Once i played on eu2 and everything was working fine. Not sure what else to say. Gonna drink some more beer so it feels all the same anyway.

I would not play it, starting over, paying, no patches ? Doesn't make sense. Just do those changes to crpg (minus the no patch and minus pay2play). Crpg post upkeep is alot more grindful (?is that a word) than the previous one.

Announcements / Re: What needs to be changed with version 0.220
« on: May 01, 2011, 07:25:49 pm »
If you actually use the damage calculator you will find that the longbow does worse damage than before against light to medium armored opponents (30 cut went to 23 pierce), the only ones it has become more powerful against is tin cans.  So if you are feeling the pain, thats your issue.

Also, archers accuracy was nerfed in the hotfix, so all those people complaining about archery realize that it is the same as just before the patch except half as much ammo or less because of the inventory slot changes.

Inhuman there are quite a few low level 1hers that count as 0 slot items that are useable.  You may have to retire and restat to have 1her skill, i like the spiked mace, and would agree that 2handed weapons that you carry on your hip like bows that you carry on your hip, should be 1 slot items (i.e. longsword, bastard sword, etc.) otherwise ahlf of archers will be using spiked mace or really low level 1hers.

Also, they have already said the hidden items issue (goedendag and others) will be fixed in the next patch/hotfix.

And why would i then decide once every few rounds to wear plate if i then get demolished anyway. I found the old, noobish solution to carry a shield even when playing a 2h still works (it has been nerfed as well, i needed to buy a lower tier shield, couldn't use my old shield anymore). I don't want to get oneshot if i pay the upkeep for plate unless it's a 36str build character wielding a slow and short, heavy hammer. Cav is a little better (more balanced) than pre-patch, still being oneshot by a running couched lance, which is also unblockable, sucks. (fast moving, unblockable, oneshots. lol)

This thread is about what we don't like so don't take it as whining, overall i'm pretty happy with the patch, and look forward to strategus to have some more meaningful battles.

Announcements / Re: What needs to be changed with version 0.220
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:51:48 am »
The oneshotting throwers wasn't enough, now we have piercing longbows (wtf longbows didn't work vs plate, they needed crossbows for that) which oneshot or deal 90% hp damage with one arrow. I don't find it fun and won't be playing much because of it. Maybe if you give 2h the ability to launch a lightsaber, it will be balanced. (call it force throw)

Announcements / Re: What needs to be changed with version 0.220
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:57:45 pm »
Well, considering i don't really know what 0.220/221 did, you'll have to wait a few days before i can make any suggestions. In the meantime, an old idea which i like comes to mind: remove ladders from battle. No more unreachable shit. Easy solution, everyone's happy.

Announcements / Re: Possible solution to future whine
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:13:04 pm »
My maior concern has never been with some advantage of my character, but about a few things being OP (like throwing). I guess resetting at every patch is the next into removing the rpg part from crpg. I don't know what difference it then has with native ?

General Discussion / Re: [PATCH NEWS] Upcoming archery buff/fix
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:27:14 pm »
Quickly guys, retire your useless lvl35 characters (yes retire), and reroll an archer. Then respec all heirlooms on bow and arrows. The devs are doing you a favor by showing the next ubermegaOP class so you can grind a few months before it goes live and be ready.

chadz, i'm glad you're working on it. I wonder what "soon" means in chadz' world. We know what it means for the likes of Valve or Blizzard, and i hope we're not anywhere near those timeframes.

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