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Messages - Venerable

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Beginner's Help and Guides / I don't understand heirlooms
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:59:27 pm »
Ok, at lvl 35 you can retire and get a loom point. This can be used on a item to improve the stats. Something like that right?

But what are these +3 items I keep hearing about? I'm assuming they're better than 'non+3 looms', so they must be more difficult to get.  Are they items with 3 loom points invested? Do I need to save up points from 3 generations then? That sounds pretty brutal. Maybe you can upgrade items 1 loom point at a time, with 3 times being the max? Or?

Yeah that one seem to work, thanks :)

Using and I keep getting different WPF from the character page.

With the following:
Level: 33
Weapon Master:4
Iron Flesh:8
Power Strike:8

I get 474 weapon points (143 skill) from sayinsoher, and 463 (142 skill) from alpha-lider19.

But in the cRPG character page I get 687 points (!), which translates to only 129 skill? What am I not getting here?
Did they recently change something in a patch and the character planners are not updated? I'm certain I remember someone saying they were updated.

When hitting a door you usually do overhead swings, and usually very close to someone else. So I try to stand still, not move my mouse and just swing. It will usually do overhead swings. But every once in a while I do a right or left swing... Sometimes several times after each other. I've hit friendlies enough times, and even killed once, to know that I should just stay the hell away from doors and gates.  I've tried moving my mouse up during every swing, but that is difficult do to without accidentally moving a bit to the right/left. So is there something special I'm not getting here? Or am I just not good enough at holding my mouse still? I've tried it in campaign as well, with no distractions, but it still happens...

Also, as a 2H user. I just get owned by people with hammers since they hit through my blocks (I'm guessing that's what crashtrough is, and I see only the Maul, Mallet and Great Maul has it). I keep my distance if I can, but in tight hallways I don't stand a chance. Any suggestions? Kicking maybe?

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