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Rationale behind ruleset (Updated when asked)
It is your own fault, when a member of your team doesn't show up. It is not fair for the opposite team to suddenly have to deal with a top tier player such as Jayjrod to now carry your whole team. This is an attempt to encourage those who sign up to have substitutes ready to go, or to make it to the tourney. The fact that this is posted so far in advance should help with being able to make it.
ok but the real question is what do me and kale get for best looking team????
Necroing this thread bc i have a photo i feel rly good about
my uni has a legit sanctioned event called the cataline wine mixer (step brothers reference) where everyone wears formal attire and we all get drunk. i bought my first ever tailored suit and it cost me like $400 more than i had planned and my student loan still hates me for it but oh well wearing a nice suit makes u feel powerful.
yes i'm still husky, but not as husky as last year. feel free to roast me fellow nerds, my confidence has been too normal lately it needs to drop(click to show/hide)
Who are you again?