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Messages - stukii

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Off Topic / Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:13:27 pm »
Found something to read for Warlord. I dare you to actually read it!

And my favourite part as quote:
But that's Lügenpresse, right? All lies and slander!!1!

As long as none of your beloved getting hurt...
But in the end you are behaving like a ignorant piece of something. Because people all around are starting to suffer by this dirtbags and then calling for endless liberalism is just as stupid as damning all immigrants.
People like you are what makes a big anti-islamic movement necessary.

Spam / Re: gay
« on: December 09, 2015, 01:49:33 pm »

Should abuse it to find good soil :) Will test further when I'm home

While picking up stuff(Dragonflies) with a full inventory I noticed a quality much higher than my survival was displayed. (Using Amber Client)
Might this be a bug to see like the real quality which would not be limited by survival?

If you see a horse near a swamp feed it a clover and easily catch all flies. Cleared a whole swamp and had 5 ruby dragonflies.

Also might have a way to force a servercrash if we want to get a pink cloak :D

Sure I'll come. Not today but definitely this week. You have to add me tho because I will need the group arrow to find you guys.

Yes I am mostly alone, some casuals will join me later or not, big drama about p2p and funny deaths.
Twister will join in a few weeks too if you remember him.

So I would love to join just anyone I can trust.
I moved south-east from spawn so if you took a completely different direction I just might wait until we have the survival to find a spot with a great soil/water/clay node before moving.
Cannot invest too much time currently but getting something done every day :D

Add with hs:
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Any idea about required UA / str to onehit bats without loosing hp? I am ready to pick glimmermoss but well caves are too dangerous and I have never been a fighter.
Marksmanship increases accuracy I guess?
Banok mind leading me again through the harsh seatribes world?? <3

Was using the wrong app..
Still no hoster offers me preview with this sized img I guess.

hey vovka would you stitch my maptile.pngs for me? the programm you posted needs salem client installed or am i wrong?

Will be definiteley there an will bring 2-10 people with me. If you don't mind. Most of them taking their first step into haven.

Got finally killed. Had a giant mine with silver and gold. Even got to murder a few higher skilled people with my 600q sling :D

Will wait for haven2 now, hope you guys are planning to make a crpg village and allow me to join with my noobtroop.

General Off Topic / Re: movie recommends
« on: March 16, 2015, 12:03:17 am »
The Divide and Severance

General Off Topic / Re: Funny YouTube videos
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:50:12 am »
Lovely animals

Deutsches Forum / Re: Hey Lansamur
« on: January 25, 2015, 04:05:12 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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