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Messages - Pyroduck

Pages: [1]
NA (Official) / Re: [Unban request] Banned for no good reason.
« on: February 05, 2013, 06:07:03 am »
Ok good to know, thanks for the tip!

NA (Official) / [Unban request] Banned for no good reason.
« on: February 04, 2013, 07:47:14 am »
The character i was playing on at the time was "Horserider_2013" and my real account name is "pyroduck927" I was informed by a friend of why i was banned, for reason of "leeching". 
I was NOT leeching i was respecing my "skip the fun" character and was looking for the enemy team so that the round could end since i was the last player alive on my team. I was then banned for no reason. I got killed by the enemy team. The next round had begun, and I'm now banned for 25 hours.
This ban really makes me question the community of this game and if i should quit playing all together if i'm going to get banned when I'm x1 and trying to have fun in a game with my friends on a character that can't even get exp and then get banned for "leeching"
If anything i should have been kicked from the game NOT BANNED FOR NO REASON.

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