« on: September 20, 2018, 05:29:55 am »
Name in Strategus: Taril_The_Yoshi_Archer
Strategus Rounds Participated: 2014-2018 whichever seasons those are.
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical: People's Republic of Yoshi, Kesh Vassal (praise be unto him), Squid Vassal, Yoshi Caliphate, Yoshi Clan, soon to be Kale vassal????
Why you want to be on the council: To make strategus angrier and meaner
Example improvements you would suggest: Make retreating a viable option, keeping a % of gear and soldiers. Encourage ninja rostering, half of the fun in strategus is rallying people to your cause and general diplomacy. LESS TALKING MORE RAIDING; You not only get gear from raiding, but trade goods too with a large bonus. Better recruiting options, an ability to speed up recruitment times with a much larger upkeep during this period. TORCHES THAT DO SOMETHING; I want torches to do bonus damage vs siege equipment. Also I want the Yoshi homeland of New Bhulaban reinstated into the game.
Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): No, but I will gladly follow him into battle.