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Messages - Yamun

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Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: January 19, 2013, 09:18:09 am »
The Tenth Announcement:

The Greatest Khans,

Many of you have observed that the elder pillars of the clan quit cRPG due to exhaustion, decline of interest, lowered return of investment in cav. For example:
(click to show/hide)

This might have created the impression that Great Khans are now Ok Khans ( Registered trademark of Nej) and we are dying same as many other clans in cRPG. But on the contrary, we have decided to keep the horde blood running by some refreshments. From now on me and Buba will start to deal with clan matters, such as recruiting, trainings and strategus. ( Chagan is still very rich, he will buy us the banner until he is drained completely )

In spite of the new game project by the cRPG developer team, it is confirmed that cRPG will stay alive and be modded.However, the lifetime of cRPG remains unknown. BUT, as long as cRPG is active, we will keep on spreading the cavalry love and keep on making friends as we always do. Recruitments are open and the system is still the old horde way; prove you are worthy, bleed for the horde and be a part of it.

Great Khans will also be very active in other popular games and the usual Teamspeak and the official clan forum will be the meeting point for all who want to enjoy being a GK in other games as well.

In behalf of the horse lovers community,
GK BattalGazi

Good to see GK still active!

General Discussion / Re: So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:06:00 am »
In response to your comment to damage of ranged, I agree. This is based on some do so much more that is it unreal. xbows are supposed to do insane amount of damage compared to bows. They already do. This isn't about damage they do but to remove the Horse Archery -10 wpp penalty so HA don't suffer on horseback as badly with their aiming. As it stands now, my character is lvl 30. I'm balanced between melee and archery. Focus is on archery yes, but enough melee points so don't suck as bad. As the opening post mentioned, the reticule is rather high at speeds. Being still or barely moving seems to be best chance to land arrows where we want compared to xbow users and foot archers. Another point to mention, arrows do no damage to heavy armored melee. After 10 arrows.. I and only maybe two show. I rarely SHOOT at melee due to their armor. My arrows can't inflict damage to them. This isn't just plate armor. I ride around and fire at other archers, and cavs.


One Handed:52
Two Handed:1

Weapon Master:6
Iron Flesh:0
Horse Archery:3
Power Strike:4
Power Draw:5
Power Throw:0

I use a fine tatar bow with tatar arrows. Wasting arrows on melee ground troops in their armor isn't worth it for me. I do no damage to them as a horse archer. Best I can do is annoy them.

Edit: This is also assuming can hit now with full speed after the nerf lol. I do use a Steppe Horse. I know others use higher classed and speed horses, but maneuvering is bit more important than speed with all the lancers and archers aiming at me.

General Discussion / Re: So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:07:54 am »
What is relevant here is that there will always be something that someone else considers OP. The answer isn't for more people to be become archers, but to protect the ones they have already. I will admit the ones that camp and hide are beyond hope... but there are some that follow the melee and try to cover. Prehaps giving them cover as well can help. I actually enjoy killing HA when on foot... be it a bow, throwing axes to their horses, or stabbing with a spear.

On the flip side, being the HA can be frustrating as well because people can't handle dealing with them.. so the class gets nerfed. Aim for the horse... the bloody HA isn't the best on foot. Half the time I am playing my horse archer, I don't even bring my horse with me so I can melee as my dismounted horse archer.

General Discussion / Re: So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:57:28 am »
Knockdown is OP against what, other melee? Thats like saying HA is OP compared to HC. Melee vs melee is fundamentally a whole other beast when it comes to balance, and I would argue anyway that knockdown is if anything something that benefits ranged the most since nearly every ranged I see packs a blunt knockdown weapon of some kind. As a melee guy I would be very happy to remove knockdown entirely or make it purely situational rather than % based

They toned down ranged for realism? Realism is no where near a main consideration for balance in this mod. Ask chadz himself:

"Also, we don't do changes because we want the game to be more realistic. We do changes because we feel they are right. If they fit with realism, that's great, and it's also our guideline, but almost never the reason for a change. We are not trying do create a simulator, we are trying to create a game." Or look at comments from cmp about the realism area of the forum

Ranged is toned down from native because native is pure ridiculousness. I wouldn't touch that for more than a few mins in battle. Everyone has ranged it seems. Part of the reason people want to play ranged here is because they don't want to get shot in native, they want to shoot slow moving melee

The counter to HA should be more ranged? Always the counter to ranged is more ranged. Its whats killing the game. The counter to ranged should be that arrows don't penetrate melee armour so well, so ranged kills each other or other horses

Anyway just some rambling thoughts, I'm getting passed caring about this game

I am starting to wonder if you can read and comprehend what others are saying. I did mentioned I don't just play as a HA... which means prehaps I also might play an infantry of some sort.... imagine that... Honestly, read before you comment.

General Discussion / Re: So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:39:33 am »
Of course its a melee game. No one would give two shits about this if it was released with half assed melee, like with ranged. Look at any reviews for M&B, its all about the melee combat.

There are mods that flesh out the ranged side of the game, to make it ranged focussed. I don't go there and try to push a melee agenda, and people shouldn't push ranged agendas here either. The main draw of this particular mod is that ranged is toned down from native. I don't see why people would even want to play here for fps style combat when you have native and the other ranged mods. If theres a better melee mod then maybe I should look into that, but for now all I have is cRPG

Best populated? It's my opinion that ranged has near killed the popularity of this mod. Who can blame them though? You can get xp/gold while just standing around shooting in a passive style. When we had roof camping every ranged wanted to camp up there. The game shouldn't enable such passive gamestyles in the first place. The more that can be done to combat this (including mobile ranged platforms like HA) the better

You would have no people to shoot at without direction combat btw. As someone else said, its parasitic gameplay and drives the main playerbase to other games.

In order to have suitable counters to buffed HA we would need to drive the mod even further towards ranged style gameplay. The game is going towards hybridisation anyway though I guess. Sooner or later there will be no point in playing pure melee, might as well grab some ranged as well like throwing or crossbows and play like a standard fps rather than PVP combat game

Okay, I can't sit here quiet any longer just reading this. Do me a favor and ask a person from cRPG who created the mod to comment on this forum that cRPG is all melee based combat. To suggest that is only saying that your style of game play is correct and all others are incorrect. If cRPG was meant to be melee based only, guess what... there would be no ranged period. There would also be options for the mods of the servers to turn off ranged weapons. They toned down the ranged side of the game due to it being unrealistic compared to the pin point accuracy people could have in native.

I personally play a horse archer, but that isn't the only class I will play. In my own personal opinion, I see a lot of melee based weapons that are OP in themselves. All those blunt based knock down weapons that overhand strikes are pretty OP as well.

As far as HA go, I remember plenty of times I was shot off from my horse by the other team's archers without being able to land arrows back against them due to the nerf. Honestly, to suggest that a class doesn't have a counter is the most uneducated thing I have heard. Roll up a HA, ride around as one, then you can have a more understanding in how it works.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:24:07 am »
Talk to chagan about this, he might be able to help. You can come to our TS (Fallen TS) or PM him on the forum.

I believe I did the other night. I'm sure I will get a response when he has a moment.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:47:29 pm »
I'm looking for a clan currently. Yamun is my character name for cRPG. I am a horse archer. I'm generation 2 and about to be able to retire to become generation 3. I'm in the United States, and hoping there is a Mongolian themed clan out there for NA members.

My gear is an elite scimitar, Strong Tatar bow, and both nomad clothing and mongolian armor set that I change out between. I also have a Steppe Horse.

PM me if interested in me.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:24:19 pm »
Okay, I was asking because I'm hoping to bump into a Mongolian style clan with NA members. Thanks for your time and good luck.  :)

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:03:14 pm »
NA or EU clan? I couldn't find info on OP

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 15, 2012, 08:49:28 pm »
Great Khans still active?

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