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Messages - Bob_Ararebe

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Explain Please.
« on: December 15, 2014, 07:26:33 am »
Because if you can deal damage from a distance its important that you move slower than players that can only attack at short range. Seems pretty logical to me

You know, there are actually things that attack at short range and are monumentally faster than archers, its called cavalry. Unfortunately, those guys have been unnecessarily nerfed and to fix the problem of archers now having no counter when shooting from afar, the archers have been nerfed as well. Now, in the combat triangle of cavalry, infantry, and archery, there's really only one class left that's worth playing at all.

I've never posted before, and its because I never had anything against changes made to the game up until now. I'm currently 14 with 11 of those as some sort of an archer. Before the recent "patch of destiny", archers have had their skills and weapon stats shuffled on several occasions There were some changes I felt were unnecessary, but in the end the balance of things still felt intact.

There have been a lot of reason for the recent archery nerf, with a huge one being the fact that the notion of teamwork is non-existent and that due to the nature of the game, teamwork is something that cannot be relied on to solve the issue the balance between infantry, cavalry, and archery. I can say that in the two years I've played crpg, I've seen a ton of teamwork going on between people who are not even in the same clan. I've had hoplites shield me from cavalry and projectiles as I loosed off my arrows, I've seen cavalry group up into small mobs and completely overrun a group of lightly protected archers, and I've seen shielders lightly screen 2h guys as they advance over an open field. In fact, its this sort of stuff that truly makes crpg enjoyable to play with other people.

The recent changes have made this sort of teamwork worthless because there is the belief that teamwork cannot exist between random crpg players. These changes have catered toward the notion that the 2h should be able to have a chance against an archer without the help of any other class on the battlefield. These changes are things like making arrows do less damage to infantry, as well as slowing down archers to the point where infantry can catch up and engage in melee combat with an archer. Its funny how the melee players of crpg constantly tell archers to go play Call of Duty or first person shooters, when in fact it is themselves that have turned this game into nothing more than running straight towards your enemy and hacking each other to bits with no sense of teamwork.

I have since been on a crpg hiatus, but I'd like to say thank you all, especially the developers of this game, for giving me this amazing experience, and I mean that sincerely. Its not that often you find such an amazing mod, one that is completely free too. I also hope that I am not coming across as a person who feels that the changes he wants are things that the developers are obligated to carry out. In fact, the game is theirs to do with how they wish, and I know that no matter what, their only intent is to try and make this game a better experience for everyone, and that is more than anything I could ask for.

Thanks for giving me a hand, I'll go ahead and do that. I also apologize for putting this on the forums, don't think is important enough to waste forum space, but thanks for the quick reply.

When I started playing crpg, i played a few hours on a main before making an alt and ever since I have used that alt. I mistakenly thought that if I deleted my main I could make my alt a main character, and now I have deleted my gen 0 main and I am stuck with a gen 7 alt. I would love to use this character for strategus battles and I was wondering it it would be at all possible for you guys to make this one time change.

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