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Messages - slim_jims_man

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: BIRD CLAN BEST CLAN
« on: November 15, 2012, 11:14:23 pm »
I am the prince of BIRD CAW CAW CAWRA

Diplomacy / Re: Hero Party's Terms of Desert Alliance With LLJK
« on: November 15, 2012, 08:01:51 pm »
Vile goon remnants still reside in dhibbain, join BIRD CLAN in their first battle against filthy perfidious goons! Wipe the face of these heathens off the soft butt-cheek of this world! CAW CAW

Diplomacy / Re: Hero Party's Terms of Desert Alliance With LLJK
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:07:56 pm »
this is all that is happening in this thread
(click to show/hide)

Diplomacy / Re: Hero Party's Terms of Desert Alliance With LLJK
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:03:28 am »
Cite your shit homeboy i dunno what you mouthing off about.

Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of <3
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:34:35 pm »
Here's a question to get a flame topic started. Why is LLJK attacking us?


Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus Changes
« on: October 24, 2012, 09:54:04 am »
Umm, it's because you have too many goods per troop. If you added one virtual man to that army, the "weight" would drop.

Diplomacy / Re: Durquba Borders - *Temporarily* CLOSED
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:58:42 pm »
That's wonderful, I knew that humanity and Rouncey could get along throughout anything.

As for the other stuff, I'd like for you to take stock of it. I even posted a list of what I had on me, I expect my surrender conditions to be respected!

Diplomacy / Re: Durquba Borders - *Temporarily* CLOSED
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:15:39 am »
If you are going to avoid another jettison ac-crossed the map, I'd telekinesis the shit out of that man, now.  This will not please people of both factions I am sure.

In other news...

Another vandal has come through and depleted our S&D before the opening of Durquba. Angst to this is felt by all, especially those who have been waiting patiently to arrive on the opening date.

I'd like my stuff back, man. I'm sure you have at least some of the stuff I listed, so I'd like an inventory of the items you collected, and also request that you refrain from getting rid of any of it. Especially that Rouncey, he'd better be ok!

Diplomacy / Re: Durquba Borders - *Temporarily* CLOSED
« on: October 03, 2012, 08:58:43 pm »
I seem to have lost everything that I own, and now I'm in the EU side of the map. Perhaps an invoice is in order.

Here approximately what I had

149 troops
75 Exotic Camel Meats
20 Exotic Jet Jewelry
15 +++ Heraldric Mail
18 Plain Board Shields
~15 Heavy Round Shields
20 Arabian Straight Swords
20 Bamboo Spears
~10 Shortened Military Scythes
40 -- Sarranid Padded vests
40 ++ Sarranid Padded vests
1 Rouncey (This horse is dear to me)

Diplomacy / Re: Durquba Borders - *Temporarily* CLOSED
« on: October 03, 2012, 12:29:12 am »
Shogunate dudes are being ridiculous

Chevalier man, I will be honorably QMR-ing tomorrow so be prepared to be a gracious victor! After that, I'll head like, somewhere LLJK after the goods exchange and all. Does that jive with you?

Diplomacy / Re: Durquba Borders - *Temporarily* CLOSED
« on: October 02, 2012, 10:31:29 pm »
lol huseby xD

We're waiting on someone in the Hospitallers to come down here and assess things. Told us not to trade till he got down there. You hold onto your goods though for another 48 (roughly) and I will jump the goods price up a bit for ya (;

Don't you have a war against the Josho Shogunate & the Remnant to worry about? Besides finally getting around to posting our orders of closing trade temporarily, I at most held up your man for 24 hours. Not something to squeal about and shake a fist full of empty threats at.

I told you the terms of returning the goods. If you do not like the return agreement, or use the concessionary statement of "whatever" again to me when I am trying to work out how you will receive your goods back, we will accept the goods as gifts, and you can be on your (jolly) way without them.

bro, read my post or something?

Diplomacy / Re: Durquba Borders - *Temporarily* CLOSED
« on: October 02, 2012, 10:15:15 pm »
I don't see no warning budd-ay. I wasn't actually even entering the city, so I don't understand why this is so. You guys must think you're smooth, but this is pretty bald-faced! Whaddaya want from me, my 16 crates of things? Pfehhh.

So listen, I don't actually know how Strategus works. I don't see a retreat option for me, but there's probably one for you. Why don't you break it off and I'll pay the difference? That sounds pretty reasonable, since I don't seem to have control over this situation. Unless you guys announced this just to stomp on some dude passing by, I'd expect some positive feedback on this. Or hell I'll break it off, if I knew how to. This was posted while I was in class so I dunno man, I woulda avoided you if I knew.

Otherwise you're picking a fight with the meanest kids on the block!

Edit: Oh man, I really don't know how this works. I can surrender? How? I want to return to my humble life as an exotic camel hoof dealer

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