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Messages - Wombacher

Pages: [1]
thx Spart,

@ the momenta i have no luck....  :|

hey see this Topic is very old, but I got the same problem since two years... And there is no anwser...

I reinstall Win 7 maybe 3 times and its still there...

Even when i got X5 the game crashed by changing the map.

if you got a solution plz inform me about.

Thank you!


Strategus Issues / Re: FREEZE or ROLLBACK
« on: June 10, 2014, 03:43:08 pm »
what happend now?

Other / Re: Ban request on Wombacher_HRE on HRE_DTV
« on: November 03, 2012, 02:33:24 pm »
discussion finished! saving useless words to ..........

Other / Re: Ban request on Wombacher_HRE on HRE_DTV
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:55:23 pm »
Ego your right, but I think thats not okay!
I ve excused me, with reason!

This harms my regard and HRE´s... And the 2cnd one is much more annoying.

When I see the Profil and the Ava of this guy, I have to Rage! :twisted:

My opinion like he has to be banned because his secret police tactics^

Other / Re: Ban request on Wombacher_HRE on HRE_DTV
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:37:53 pm »
What you are posting is just raging!

I can remember you and your rage flaming... yea wow unbelievable. I ve played houres long bevor you were joining on this Server.
Than I still was this 2 rounds not really active and thats it! Everyone can see, the same map! 2 rounds!

why it was so??? Read!

I was naked because I had retiert one moment before! I have write it in the chat, "I will wear something next round!" sry!

the next matter... why I stay there??? hmm I was just afk to choose some ohter wear! And than you startet the Poll^^ I think you should have a anwser on your Log-sceen shot, where im typing^

"yes vote 1 Im the biggest Leecher ever" ---> I thoght thats a joke from you!  :shock:

 I hope you have also a L-screen who I typt why I was naked... NO? a of course you are the only one who has not listend to it. Its importender to rage about...

(ADMINS show Log)???

sry but srsly?
every1 else gets a perma ban and has to do an unbanv  essay/thread
or if so i request an unban because i ll be polite the next time

When youre playing Police do it right!

I havnt brake any rules on our SERVER! I never do that!

and wow that was my first votekick or ban on cRPG^ and now I know who is responsible for that shit!
next time im watching you^ I hope you will never stay anytime, anywhere, on anymap, for anyseconds without to do fighting....

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