« on: July 05, 2013, 04:12:01 am »
Okay, this is gonna be a one post tutorial on how to beat a dragon in Dark Souls.
First what you need to do is get the magical conch, the magical conch is located at the bottom of Ash's Lake, but before you go there you need the waterproof spade. The waterproof spade is in the tomb of giants, the giant with the scar on his upper left ab has the waterproof spade hidden in his quarters.
You need to interrogate the Giant, when this doesn't work you need to suck him off, I know it sucks, but it's what ya' gotta do. Aheh, sucks... Back to waterproof spade, as payment for you giving him sexual pleasure he will give you the spade.
After you retrieve the spade you go to Ash's Lake and dig it up underwater, grab the conch and go to the surface. Once you get on land you need to blow into the conch, when you do this a Beautiful Goddess will appear. This Goddess beauty is so vast that all men of importance desire to have her. Here is where it gets bloody, every man that has a fighting chance for the Goddess heart has to be brutally murdered.
After killing all of her suitors you need to get the ring of Aphrodite, this ring will make the wearer fall in love with the person who gifted the ring. To find the ring you first need to get to a penis pump. You must go to Western Europe where these are commonly distributed, buy one and use it on yourself for about six months for desired effects. After this you must go meet Aphrodite and ravage her with your enlarged manhood. Now, as everybody who has watched the Percy Jackson films it's quite obvious you get to Mount Olympus through the Empire State Building elevator of Modern Day New York City.
After reaching Olympus and giving Aphrodite a moderately pleasurable experience she will give you her ring in pity due to your small penile situation. You must leave Mount Olympus through the air ducts so to make sure Zeus does not find out you've had sexual relations with his wife. Returning back to Earth you must give the ring to the beautiful Goddess. After receiving this ring, as previously mentioned she will fall in love with you.
After three months of her being a nagging bitch you will propose to her and plan your wedding. At the wedding there will be many guests and many gifts given to you. One will be a magical carpet, this magical carpet is VERY IMPORTANT in your quest to defeat the dragon! After the wedding is your honeymoon, YOU MUST PREFORM TO YOUR MAXIMUM ABILITY FOR DESIRED EFFECTS! Nine months later a baby will be born to you and your wife the beautiful Goddess. This is a very special child, in fact... It's not yours. Zeus has found out that you have had sex with his wife and to get revenge he has had sex with yours!
Although it will put a dent in your marriage and most likely lead to a teenager that has a goat friend and an unhealthy relationship with his horse's ass teacher, he is the weapon that will kill the dragon. After fifteen years of useless attempts at parenting and trying to treat your child normal even though he's a freak who can read Ancient Greek and shoot lightning bolts out of his fingertips, he finally realizes his potential.
You must ask your child to help you defeat the dragon, to which he will less than respectfully decline. This forces you to resort to physical violence and spank him until he obeys. Due to all the other things in your petty life you've forgotten about your quest and put the magic carpet in the basement to collect dust, so you and your son must go down there and dig it up. After digging it up and cleaning it off you need to get on it and fly off. Searching for a while you will eventually run into the dragon, when seeing him you must immediately throw up a West Side gang sign to which the dragon will throw up an East Side gang sign.
After this your son will be enraged and shoot lightning at the dragon. The dragon will go into shock and die of cardiac arrest. After the dragon falls to the ground and dies you must turn around to your son, say the exact words "You're adopted!" and proceed to shove him off of the magic carpet, tying up all lose ends and proving once and for all you are a superior lover compared to Zeus. I hope this helps you defeat the dragon, happy hunting!