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Messages - Steinborn

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: New Players need some love
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:20:18 pm »
I not sure i mentioned anything about it being hard to make money. I have had no problem after 10 hours of dying making enough money to buy some armor and a weapon. My problem is the 10 hours of dying it took for me to get there. It seems like a lot more people would play if you guys cut that 10 hours of dying out of the picture for new players. Its like counter strike saying "you must play for 10 hour with a glock, 10 health, and no grenades before we even give you the option of using anything else". Im glad its easier now than in the first months of crpg release, but now all you guys who have been playing for months don't worry about new players and are glad to run around 1 shotting them. Does nobody else see how many people have probably quit this game/never started playing due to the fact its so unfriendly to new players? Isn't that key to a new game, getting a good player base and allowing for new players to join in without feeling alienated? So far from what i have seen the player base is great, everybody seems friendly but i see a lot more potential if some very minor simple things were changed.

Game Balance Discussion / New Players need some love
« on: September 18, 2012, 12:57:24 pm »
I have played MB for around 2 months now (mostly single player) and i recently discovered this mod. Before i say harsh things about it i would like to point out that i think the mod is great and i appreciate all the work that has been put in to it. After playing for around 10 hours i got tired of being 1 shot by everything. I was told in game that it gets better around level 16 once you get some armor and stuff though. Now that i am level 15 i am finally able to take 2 hits from some things but mostly everything still 1 shots me. Dont get me wrong, i love a game that is difficult and is not care bear but this is too much. I would love to be able to tell my friends about this mod and get them playing but i don't know a single person that would want to come play after i say "oh and after you play for 10 hours you might be able to take 2 hits from a hatchet and kill somebody". Something needs to be in place that allows new players to get in to the game easier. I know that there is the "skip the fun" button, but this does exactly that. skips the FUN. The way it's set up now is like World of Warcraft setting up their pvp where all levels 1-(whatever the max is now) play against each other. Running around for 10 hours getting 1 shot by a guy on a horse that you cannot defend against is not fun. I am not the best player in the world but i fully understand the combat mechanics of the game so please do not announce i am a noob who doesn't know how to play. In total i have 4 kills and 37 deaths, and i don't know a single person that would look at that and think "you had fun playing that game".

Some simple solutions for fixing this would be giving new players:

Better starting gear
Some starting stat points to put in (maybe jump to level 10)
More starting money to buy gear
Increase the health/armor of players under a certain level

Obviously all of this would apply to new accounts/characters that are created and would only apply to your first generation character.

This is just my 2 cents, ill still be playing the game in the hopes it gets better but i would love to be able to share this mod with people who have less patience than i do.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Playing on 2 different computers
« on: September 18, 2012, 12:04:34 pm »
yes is was the same steam account and cd key. Thank you for the quit response, and making a character with the same name worked.

cRPG Technical problems / Playing on 2 different computers
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:54:01 am »
I am attempting to play crpg on both my laptop and my desktop. I have an account and character made on my laptop and and now trying to access them on my desktop so i can continue playing with them. I have logged onto the website but MBW does not seem to have my characters available to me. I was wondering if this was even possible or am i stuck having to play it on one of my computers. Thank you for you help.

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