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Messages - Blashyrkh

Pages: [1] 2 3
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:34:18 am »
It can only be settled by Holmgang!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Less night time
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:06:30 am »
I have no problem with occasional night time fight. But since my limited time it really sucks for me when I come to play few maps and are all during the night :S

Suggestions Corner / Re: pike
« on: July 28, 2012, 09:50:07 am »
if pike/long spear can stab me from 50 cm distance, can you please make my 1h sword stab reach 300 cm?

General Discussion / Re: Horses - how to improve difficulty
« on: July 01, 2012, 05:39:21 pm »
make something so people on the horse need to balance themself.

------|------      <--- is ok

--|----------      <--- not ok, falls of the horse and becomes infantry or whistle for his horse

while making fast turns they should move in the oposite direction  so they dont fall off or something maybe via mouse movement?

General Discussion / Re: Nerf Cav
« on: June 30, 2012, 06:06:02 pm »
to be honest I don't see the problem with cav ... I see the problem that all the cav is in one team (and not mine!)

General Discussion / Re: Best looking helmet with Rus Scale?
« on: April 28, 2012, 06:11:36 pm »
personally I would go with "Vaegir Helmet" but you might want more then 20 head armor I bet

all medieval warrior whined on forums about nerfing, xbow cav, crushthrough, horsearchers, samurais, ninjas, pole stagger, archers etc.... and how their god is destroying their lives

General Off Topic / Re: Rate the song above you!
« on: April 11, 2012, 04:49:52 pm »
hmm Faithless bring back memories from my childhood 8/10

General Off Topic / Re: Rate the song above you!
« on: April 07, 2012, 09:37:59 am »
nice! the songs get pretty good from 2:25 7/10

General Off Topic / Re: Rate the song above you!
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:35:18 pm »

General Discussion / Re: autobalance is awful
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:55:58 am »

why you connect to the server you can only see:

spectator and roll dice

roll dice 1,3,5 - team A ; 2,4,6 - team B ... you can roll dice only once per map

(I would just like to say i have no problem with the current ballance system, since I win some lose some ... its a game and for the most part is enjoyable and fun)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Take away seeing horses health
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:49:40 pm »
also add:

Arrow, Bolts in body parts:
Head = instant death
Arms= cant use it, so you drop 1handers, shield or polearm/ 2handers if injured)
Legs = cant run anymore

Chest = can't breath ... die in 30 sec

Suggestions Corner / Re: Take away seeing horses health
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:37:53 pm »
Also add injury system, every bamp = 1 injury.

Injuries include but are not limited to:
Broken right arm: -25% 2h/polearm wpf, -50% other wpf, -25% PS/PD
Broken Left arm: -25% 2h/polearm wpf, -50% xbow/bow wpf, -25% shield skill
Broken right leg: -10% all wpf, -25% athletics, -25% riding
Broken Left leg: -10% all wpf, -25% athletics, -25% riding
Head Injury: -50% ranged wpf, -25% other wpf
Chest Inury: -25% athletics, -25% strength

only sensible thing

then again 20% chance that horse got a broken leg -75% speed

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Mauls
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:25:02 am »
personaly i think that the mauls need some work done, I really don't mind they have crushthrough but on the other hand how come polearms and other 2h axes don't have it? i bet your ass that a really strong person can cleave through a shield if standing stationary?
the other thing that is bothering me its a problem in Warband itself, when someone miss his swing with a maul and then just turns and still hits you and get a crushthrough hit? maybe lowering crushthrough %? you gotta remember that shields we used so people deflected the blows not just to stand with the shield accepting the swing.

well my whine post is complete, nothing will be done about it ... so cya in game :D

General Discussion / Re: cRPG 2 : what setting would you prefer ?
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:41:04 pm »
make pirate cRPG ... and tons of ninja vikings

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