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Messages - Snow Gibbon

Pages: [1]
Alright, I THINK I can explain this one. As I understand, the YYY people are Chinese. Occasionally you'll see them on NA Battle, no doubt with a ping of over 250.

At this level, everybody else can swing faster, block faster, dodge better, hit with missiles more often, pretty much everything in the game they can do faster. Add the fact they're probably not aware of this as I am, and stir in some "English is not my native language" and you end up with a post like this.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Colored armors
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:55:41 am »
Could I see a mail hauberk like this pretty please? with the sleeves coloured.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Colored armors
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:13:35 am »
Perhaps we could get this for shields as well? I've always wanted a plain green round shield since day one.

It changes colour so you can see it in the snow.

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