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Messages - American_Werewolf

Pages: [1]
I will help with some poles later but for now I only have pitch fork the voulges and military scythe  :rolleyes:

Thanks for your thread, i didn't find it even with google search

So i completly regret buying a long voulge not knowing it didn't swing on left and right. I bet i'm not the only one who dislikes polearms that don't hit on the 4 directions. So im asking your help to make a list of the polearms that are 4 direction and the ones that only thrust and do overhead swing.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: cRPGLauncher.exe trouble? post here!
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:27:55 am »
i have a problem. when i launch crpg and the mount & blade launcher pops up i cant play, if i click PLAY it just closes and if i click configure nothing happens. can someone help me? i tried deleting mb_warband_old.exe and crpglauncher.exe but nothing works :/
i checked "repair" and now i can play again but still if i click "configure nothing happens"0

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