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Messages - Falene

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:20:33 pm »
Under "Game mechanic megathread", I've posted some full gear examples using new formulas. It's mostly focalized on the impact of armor weight on WPF, but now I also added a useful hint at the expected running speed for different combinations of armor ;)
I edited that post multiple times last night and this morning, as it contained a few interpretation errors (:oops:) but I'm kinda fine with the results now  8-)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Game mechanic megathread!
« on: October 23, 2014, 12:09:02 am »
Hey guys.
I don't know most formulas and I'm not a game mechanics guru, but I was decided after patch to understand a few of those mechanics.

I was trying to make sense of the Armor Weight / Strength / IF / WPF relationship. This may be old news to most of you, but in the process I've come up with a few tables, and I think those tables helped me a great deal to visualize some of the stuff happening. I find those tables quite useful, so I'll post them here, hoping that some of you may find them useful also :)
Note : most values and conclusions here are drawn from the current Character planner (, which I assume is up to date.

First, a recap. The weight of all armor pieces your character wears negatively impacts your WPF. This impact can be really significant.

For the purpose of moving speed calculations, weight of feet, body, hand and head armour are added up equally to the total weight you carry. This is not so when it comes to WPF penalties.
Inside WPF penalty formula, Body Armour weight and Feet Armour weight have the same influence ; but Head Armour weight is twice as severe, and Glove Armor weight six times as severe (contrary to the factor of 4 pre-patch, as written by the OP).
=> Pondered Armor Weight (PAW) = BodyWeight + FeetWeight + (HelmetWeight * 2) + (GloveWeight * 6)

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Things look bad for armor, heh ? Well, not hopelessly bad. Above 15 strength, you character starts to mitigate some of those penalties. At 4 IF and higher also. IF influence and strength influence are not cumulative, though. Whichever has most impact is used. 4 IF has same impact than 21 strength, after that each IF point is as good as 6 more strength. The remaining of this post will show a few simulations of this effect.

Note : I guess the true formula integrates oddities such as caps, min and maxes stuff based on str and IF directly inside it, and live happily ever after without even the slightest notion of a "Base Penalty". But hey, modeled that way, those results do hold in fact, and I find it much simpler to think about it.

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That's it for the tables. Now, what does it tell us ?

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That'll be all for tonight, folks.

[Edit] : I've just realized that "Pondered" means nothing near what I meant  :oops:. I meant "Pondérée" as the word "Weighted" in "Weighted Average".
But since that post is about item weight all over the place, I don't feel like replacing Pondered by Weighted everywhere and keep it clear (or I'm being lazy...).
Oh, well... cheer up, you've just learned a new french word  :P

[Edit] (*) : For the fun, I've tried to add, for each gear example above, an evaluation of the running speed with different agi builds, using WaltF4 curves ( I guess those mechanics were hard coded by M&B team and thus didn't evolve much. I've taken the liberty of eye-smoothing WaltF4 graphs, and I'm taking the lower left of his graph as a reference speed of 100% (which should roughly correspond to the speed of a 10 Athletics-guy running around with no armor and no weapon).
Note : carrying other stuff, as well as holding a weapon in hand may alter those speed values in a non linear way, based on weapon weight and length. Please refer to WaltF4 post for further information.
Further note : As pointer out by somebody in the speed thread, those graphs on running speeds may not accurately reflect differences in acceleration, which, to my knowledge, are yet to be thoroughly tested.

Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:06:14 pm »
About 5 herloom points,that's probably some sort of bug,i don't know.
I got exactly that by retiring at 34 pre-patch, which is now (according to ladder titles at least) equal to lvl 37, just like Freya noticed. So if it's a bug, it's an old one.

Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:02:09 pm »
Experiment with STF's and use
Thank you ! I didn't expect such tools to be updated already

Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 20, 2014, 03:22:57 pm »
7 IF gives you 14 armor weight wpf cap instead of the old 10. With no IF your cap is 8 (str/3+1).

I'd love to know more about mechanics like these. There is not the slightest hint in IF description about anything else than health points.

So, it has an effect on a cap related to wpf ? So, there is a wpf cap based on armour weight ?? So, errrr ???
It's quite hard to follow, you know ? Discoveries like these are already buried in the middle of a 14 pages long thread realted to a 1-day-old patch. Mr Joe-back-in-a-month has no chance to ever hear about it.
Searching for "cap" using the forum tool gives clueless hits on capabilities, woolen caps, level hard-cap/soft-cap nonsense outdated for 2 years, etc.
I'm not into archery but I bet San's answers about changes to archery mechanics will also get lost in that thread and not known anywhere else pretty soon.
"Game Mechanics Megathread" is 13 pages long, and a joke when you hoped you'd get concise answers somewhere. And it does not mention any of those changes.

Besides, I did not understand your answer, Witch. So, what's this wpf cap about exaclty ?
Thanks in advance 8)

Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 19, 2014, 07:50:31 pm »
| [3] Masterwork Danish Greatsword                   | old                            | new                           |
I guess its not updated yet ?
Masterwork Danish Greatsword (Primary) were the stats you submitted in the screenshot. Without the "primary" thing, stats in the patch notes refer to secondary mode (used as polearm)

Faction Halls / Re: The Duchy of Wessex
« on: April 28, 2011, 02:07:13 am »
I like your intro :) Welcome !

too bawarian. :(
Bavaria coat of arms isn't Vair ^^

oops my king beat me to it, sry !

Faction Halls / Re: CPCP - Commune Periculum Concordiam Parit
« on: April 11, 2011, 10:13:42 pm »
Best wishes for CPCP !

Long live your Royal Majesty  :D

Pages: [1]