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Messages - opaopa

Pages: [1]
None of this is a troll.  traitor revisionism is real, and a devastating part of American culture, and is one of the main reasons the state of race-relations and understanding of the socioeconomic divides in cities, regions, and races is so fucked up in the country, and savvy politicians hijack this and the media to do whatever the hell they want to continue feeding the wealth up top.

If you are going to post that the civil war was about "more than slavery" then I am going to quote the very leaders of the civil war saying the exact opposite every single time they had a chance to run their fat, entitled, black in spanish-mutilating mouths as they ordered hundreds of thousands of innocent americans to die to preserve an aristrocracy.  The effects of this and the failed efforts at Reconstruction (due to the very same leaders of the Confederacy immediately going back to power after that "oppressive federal government" was forced out of the south) are fucking up America to this day.  Did you know a top traitor general went on to found the KKK? 

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