« on: April 29, 2011, 05:37:23 am »
Hello oh young ones, yes it is me, tripleray, back from the grave to say,... i'm still way to busy for everything.... however.. none the less i have found spare time to rape, kill, pillage and burn all who oppose me. as such. I must have contact with these new to the clan newbies.. so i would like everyone to add me on steam.. for... steam hates me.. and won't let me add other people.. yes... i kno.. ur excited i'm making my grand return. but look out.. because.. like... i'll crush u... if its nightime because.. thats wen my ping is decent... erm... yeah so uhm.. yeah! and i'm going to colledge soon.. which rocks.. which means my ping shld be consistanly decent.. which means allers... very soon i shall crush u every time.. not just occasionally.. every time..... oh and everyone wenever u c glenn.. the thrower guy.. kill him.. or victhebear... just rape them.. they suck if u get close.